I hear you Jfire - fwiw, whether you are paying for it in the original cigar or not depends on the factory, the cigar in question and how the factory can utilize the table cuts.Why because short filler cigars are made with trimmmings from other LPs that the consumer has "paid 4" in essentially another cigar. Also most of the time it's a bitch to smoke short filled cigars due to spitting out small pieces of tobacco after a regular cut. And like many others I won't punch cut a cigar due to the fact that many tar up because of the decreased opening at the head. Do your thing JD and Saka but every member here will probably give u the most straight up answer up front then anywhere else. At 6 bucks or higher it's just "not in my wheelhouse" .
DE Curlyheads!!! fluffyJJ will be all over this! :agreeclenFwiw, we position head filler in the bunch in a special way so as to reduce the bits of tobacco that enter the mouth because we don't like that either - it is another thing that makes this tripa corta different. However, it you really chew on it you are likely to still get some.