I posted this on another board where this rumor came up as well. I think someone started a rumor and it's probably circulating. No way it's true.
Consider that DE exists to make money. Then consider that there's no way it would make financial sense for a company that exists to make money to sell just one component (in this case, the wrapper) of it's best-selling cigar, when selling that one component would prevent production of said best-selling cigar. Finally, consider that even if they priced it high enough that it did make financial sense for DE, the price would be so high that it wouldn't make financial sense for Ashton to buy it.
Even if the farmers growing the tobacco decided to sell future crops to Ashton, they'd still be obligated to provide DE with the crops already under contract, which I presume would run into 2014, which means there would still be future releases to come.