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What do you like/dislike about cigar web sites

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I was in my local b&m last week and in the conversation the manager mentioned they had been screwed over on a web site. It turns out, they aid someone to set up a facebook buisiness page and according to the contract I read, they got what they paid for. They paid WAY too much for what they got, but the contract was fulfilled.

But they have no website since the former owner didn't transfer the domain in the sale of business so it's gone.

I offered to do a simple web site for cigars swap and they are very interested, It won't be an e-commerce site, but they will take phone orders. So my question is:

What do you like to see on a cigar store web site?
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Offhand thoughts.....
-EASY to find and/or calculate shipping costs LONG before I'm asked for a credit card - like before I ever put something in the cart
-Up-to-date prices and inventory availability -- I recognize it can be hard for a small guy to maintain this up to date and accurately -- but, I will probably buy elsewhere if site says call for price (or availability). There's a fairly respected shop online that doesn't keep web site updated and I don't buy from there anymore. Maybe I'm lazy -- Maybe he's lazy....but I choose where my dollar is going
-Specials. I don't want you to break the bank, but a shop that has regularly changing decent deals will find me visiting their site more often. On the other hand, if your specials page has 8500 different 'deals' on it, like a certain big-box does, I will never look at it again.
-You can email me specials and events - but if you start doing it a couple times a week, I'll have all your email going to my junk mail folder
-Phone number easy to find should be obvoius; but email address too - but you better be prepared to answer customer email at least twice a day, if not more often
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Jun 6, 2010
Joliet, Illinois
Everything Dave said with emphasis on the shipping. I shouldnt have to log in or provide my credit card # just to get the shipping costs. As well, I shouldnt have to place the item in my cart to see the sale price. Also, I like photos, show me pictures of the stick, of the label, of the box.
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Aug 29, 2012
Riverside, CA
Pictures are important. I understand that the photo can't show the exact cigar that will be shipped, but I like to have an idea of what to expect.

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
create a for the love of the smoke / non-hoarders subsite...
active for on day of new release items..
a single 1-2 stick purchase only.
and ships for > $5 Maybe?

a 1 order per release per addy per person per IP deal obviously
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I guess if there isn't any online marketplace, it's a whole different conversation.
Are they hoping the site will bring phone orders? Or is this just to encourage (or at least not discourage) local traffic?

If I can't order from a B&M's web page, then my list of needs from their site is pretty short.
-When I google "x-city AND cigars", I want the places that I'm going to like to come out on top - you'll want your place to come out on top
-If you're trying to get me to walk in your door, I'll want to know:
Do you have accounts with some of the hotter boutiques: Tat? LP? Viaje? etc.
Do you have a lounge?
If no lounge, do you at least allow smoking in the shop?
If yes to above, put in a low-kb picture (or two) of inviting smoking area (with or without BOTL in the pic)
Under 'Contact' or Directions' tab, put good directions. Address good - link to Google Map directions better. Put closest intersection - not just address.
If you have events, include Events info. But, please, please keep it up to date. I was pretty unhappy recently when I wanted to go to a Jose Blanco appearance and the site didn't reflect time/date change.
Make it very easy to find shop hours.
Keep the graphics to a minimum. Mobile version good, but low resource regular page is fine. NO MUSIC!!!!
Small ads fine, but try to keep them cigar related.
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Jun 28, 2011
Boston, MA
Simple navigation - nothing worse than too much flashing ads or confusing menus. Also should be able to find brand, what's new, what's on sale, what's recommended

+1 in Inventory - keep up to date as much as possible

Also agree with info in shop, lounge, cutting fee, hours, etc...

My motto keep it simple, easy to use


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
On the product page, I love to be able to see all available vitolas on the same page, listed by name and size. Special emphasis on shipping costs right up front. No flashing adds, no confusing menus. Drop-downs, no scrolling.

Also, easy to look at. Lots of design and whatnot is fine, but makes shopping complicated. I don't like the sites that are heavy on saturated, dark colors, it's too much to look at.

User-reviews are also greatly desirable.

If you can, one photo with all the vitolas lined up and the name and sizes listed under/next to each.


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Feb 22, 2005
Many B&Ms have mediocre websites and rarely have online purchasing with shipping and such. Some have great sites and great pictures of their humidors and lounges but that's about it. That's not all bad, I look them up when I'm going to a new city to see where to stop and check them out. I seriously doubt any B&M is going to have lower prices than the big online places and that's not necessarily where their market is anyway. The point for me is to showcase their shop so I can go there and pick up a handful of things I wouldn't normally get. There's much more to a local shop than low prices and buying from them online.
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Jun 18, 2012
I like to see what the Walkin looks like from a distance. I dont care to see the cigar boxes on shelves.

I like to see what type of atmosphere they have, so I know if I want to chill out and smoke there.

I like to see a picture of someone behind the counter ready to take your money.

I usually immediately go directly to a list of brands they carry. (thats honestly all I care about) I know what to expect in the box.

It wouldnt hurt to see some confidence placed up on the site too, stating things like our Walkin is maintained at xx% etc.

Honestly I dont look for much beyond those few things when it comes to a BMs site. Its always nice to see a guestbook page or something where people can leave positive notes about their experience there.

Lastly, as a former webdev. guy, I will extend a word of caution. I dont care how/what kind of payment is in place. ALWAYS have a contract stating the obvious. It is insanely easy to lose all sorts of time/money when developing a site for someone. Your time is valuable (doesnt matter who you are) so dont go doin a site for a 5'r, and always do things in steps. That way when you reached checkpoint 1, he can reimburse you with sticks till you push on and continue with a venture that could turn out nothing.

Just ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS watch your back when doin website work man. People who dont have them already, usually dont know what all is involved (even in a cheap blog site). So they tend to not want to pay out for the work youve done. Thats why I always did things in stages. You may find they dont care soo much about it after the 3rd stage. Atleast at the point you'll already have your stage 1,2, and 3 set of sticks.

Just my 2 cents. Glad to see your helping him out! Would love to see it when your finished!

Good Luck,
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
Chrisso, we're on the same page there. I've been doing sites to try to keep busy and stay in the tech area. So far I haven't been burned but I've only done a few. I will have it in writing, for my protection as well as theirs.
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Jun 18, 2012
Sounds good flyboy!

I get in writing the scope of work that will be done for even donated sites. That way I always have a clear conscience!

Never have seen soo many people get screwed as I have with people doing web work. Thats why ive gotten outta that crap. Now its my job to tell them where their "Security" issues are. Lol, getting paid for that is a whole other animal!

Have fun with it flyboy!

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
Ok here is what I've done so far, it still needs some tweaks (like the cigar table, looks bad I'll redo it tomorrow. And I need some content on pipes from them. It has to be pretty simple since it's low budget. Any final suggestions appreciated.

D&K Old Tobacco Shop


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Dave pretty much nails it....the better the website that gives our relevant info in "real time" the better. Doesn't have to have too many bells or whistles but it does need current pricing and easy navigation. Where a lot of sites go wrong is when they load it up with nonsense.
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Feb 5, 2011
Dover, NH
Not bad. The one thing I notice functionality wise is when I look on my iPhone or shrink my window the white boxes shrink and the text stays the same size. I tried to look through the CSS but couldnt find the class description to see how you have the size set up and specified you might want to try using %'s instead of pixels or ems if thats what you are using I find that helps more with an elastic site.
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I hadn't checked it on my ipod. I use a template creator program as I know little about css. There are % settings though so I'll take a look. Thanks!

*ipod check
Yeah. YUCK!

That's not acceptable, I'll have to look into it.

I did some responsive design editing with the template program. Some things I can't control but it works better on mobile devices now. (doesn't look better just works better.)
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Feb 5, 2011
Dover, NH
if you need help with CSS let me know. When you view the site in an window on your computer play around with the width of the window and watch what happens. Its better then before but still minor issue.