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Black Ops 2

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Feb 10, 2011
Alright, who's playing it and what do you think?

The premade classes are actually pretty good. Most have gear and perks that are lvl 40+. Like the smg class, it has ninja, ghost and its primary gun is pretty damn solid. The grenade choices are lacking IMHO but I can work with the rest.

Still trying to decide what I think about shock sticks. Very much a love/hate thing atm. Wish you could throw bouncy Bettie's a smidge further. Guess them bastards are heavy. o_O

I've really been enjoying the 10 point system. Although it allows you to basically have 6 perks which can be nasty but offsets it by stripping you of all but your knife and maybe a pistol or grenade. I'm not sure what I think about the perks in general. Lower level ones seem pretty weak, but they should since they're low level. Love that ghost only works while you're moving.

I'm enjoying the maps so far. Lots to explore which is both good and bad. Good - lots to explore. Bad - lots of places to get popped in the back from.

Best thing I figured out is the spawn flip system. You can really keep yourself from getting shot in the back by paying attention to it.
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Jun 27, 2012
Central FL
I'm extremely disappointed with BLOPS 2.
I really do feel that it is the worst COD to be released yet.

Here are my gripes:
1) First and foremost the consistency of the game. I've found myself getting so extremely angry, literally shouting at the TV, because what killed a guy last game, won't do anything to harm another the next. Someone should not be able to absorb half a mag of an assault rifle, take 4 hit markers of damage and strafe to the left (without slowing down even the slightest bit) then hipfire a few shots from a SMG and kill you.
I feel that every SMG is way too powerful, and the automatic assault rifles need to have their damage increased by 1 hit marker.

2) There are major connection issues at times. I have 20mbps interet that is hardwired into my router so I shouldn't have ANY issues.
If you pay close attention to kill cams when you die and find that on your screen you came around a corner and got 4 hit markers on a guy only to be killed by what seems like 2 shots.... then you watch the kill cam and on the enemies screen, he shot you 10 times and you never even damaged him.
This greatly contributes to the inconsistency of the entire game when 9/10 fights are going to be won based off connection and not skill.

3) Awareness perk is worthless. Does not compare to sit rep pro in MW3. I have turtle beaches and can't hear anything except for how terrible the guns all sound. Seriously, the guns sound like children's toys in this game.

I had a 2.8 KDR in MW3 and well over 2.0 in BLOPS 1. I shouldn't be struggling to go positive in what is essentially the same game.
Not to mention, I had the game 3 days before everyone and was able to learn the maps, guns, perks and equipment.
By the time the game was released at midnight on Monday. I was already a level 45, first prestige. I remember at around 12:15, about the time everyone was getting home, playing their first ever round of the game and I barely went positive in kill confirmed.
If the game had any consistency to it at all, I should have easily went 3.0 or higher.

I hope that all of this is attributed to the # of people playing the game, and hopefully when they get more servers online and maybe a few updates the game will be better. But at this rate, I'm probably going to sell the game and go back to MW3.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
I have it, just yet to play it. These games are always a love/hate when the new ones come out simply because players tend to "master" the older version and do not like to learn a new system.
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Oct 9, 2012
Dania Beach, Fl
Really haven't had the time unfortunately. I'd like play with a couple brothers in a few weeks when the time is available fosho.
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Feb 10, 2011
Wow Evan that sucks you're having those issues. I do find I have pretty nasty lag on Friday and Saturday nights when I'm sure servers are overloaded but the rest of the time I'm not to bad. I'm even running off a hacked wifi from one of my neighbors so its a shitty connection.

But to be honest I've not had any more lag death issues with this game than any other cod. /shrug

So what was your experience with the game like prerelease? Were you going with your 2+ k/d?

Red Raider

Wreck 'em Tech
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Feb 29, 2012
123 Anytown Texas, 12345
Spent the entire weekend playing this and had a really good time. Still suck, but for the first time, i get to log on as myself, rather than just as a guest. (my son obviously has first rights).

Love the shock charges and the crossbow. Not happy about having to wait so long to upgrade the sniper rifle though.

We should get a BOTL game going sometime
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Jun 27, 2012
Central FL
Pre release had the same inconsistencies, with much more lag issues. I guess because most of the people were in the UK at the time.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
It's a game, just get drunk and enjoy it. The whole kill death ratio cracks me up. I think I tried taking the game serious for awhile then I got trashed and realized I was crying over spilled milk. Nothing gives me more joy than to give a great kill shot run over and tea bag the fuck out of someone. It's even better when you can do it to a whiney little beatch on your own team. ;)
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Jun 27, 2012
Central FL
If anyone wants to team up on Xbox send me a PM with your gamer tag. I think I've only got 1 person from here on my friend's list.
I prob won't be playing till next week though.
PS: I promise not to take the game too seriously!


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I was playing it today at our local cigar shop and it pretty much cemented it. I am digging it so far and I am loving the Call of Duty Elite app on Android. It bad ass being able to create load outs on a smartphone.