Mine was buy a bunch of gurkhas.
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Lol what's everyone s disdain for ghurkas stem from. I'm not their biggest fan I may have had 2 or 3 of em but I didn't HATE em lol what gives
Lots of hate for the ghurka around here thats for sure....
I bought a bunch of them back in the day... and didnt think they were all that bad back then (until I woke up and realized there was a lot of better stuff out there at a similar price point).. they certainly play some marketing games that I think turns a lot of people off ("come get your $10 MSRP stick.. now discounted 85%... for just $1.50 each!" type stuff...)... but as long as youre not paying full MSRP for them (I havent found a ghurka yet that is a true $8-$12 stick).. I dont see the beef...
I actually like the Ghurka Castle Hall ok.. and can normally pick up robustos and churchills for about $1.25 a stick on c-bid...
Other than the castle hall, I havent bought a ghurka in a long time.. but I occasionally get bombed with a few.. never bothers me... they make a fine yard gar IMHO...