Does anyone know the top secret date when the Velvet rat will be released? I have read in a few places it is this month (July 2013) but nothing official.
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All I'm missing out if that pic is the UF-4Does anyone know the top secret date when the Velvet rat will be released? I have read in a few places it is this month (July 2013) but nothing official.
Agreed! Hell, I keep having dreams about walking into a shop stocked full with Dirty Rats! It's been so long since I've lit one up, whenever I do I'm sure it will bring a tear to the eye.I'd be happy with ANY Rats!
I hope they release it, but I doubt it will be anytime soon. DE isn't exactly known for surprise releases and not building up hype way ahead of time surrounding said release lolSounds like someone didnt get to take a picture with JD at a event! I heard it was this month another release of the velvet rat was coming out. Heard it from a DE rep i know, a cigar shop owner that carries DE but it was all whispers, nothing concrete. We'll see. IF they do come out I will hop on them. I drink the Drew Estate cool-aid.
Tell us how you really feel! LOL! :sarcasticI'm sure it will be over priced and under aged with some deception that Drew Estates seems to be very adept at. please wake up sheep from the spell of Drew Estates. Marvin should run for a political position as much as he evades answering a straight question. Can't somebody expose their fraud. Yea sure they age Liga Privadas for a year. I have some beach front property in Kansas for sale to you Liga lovers. How about some proof. The only thing I ever saw them do was mastering ripping off Lars Tetens and then deny they ever had any affiliation with Lars Tetens. to summate, Sleaze Merchants!!!! Period!!!