BoM Feb 14
My fiancee is losing her damn mind. Last week she lost all of her cards (id and all) for two days somewhere in the house. I searched the house one end to the other. Only to find it in a silly place because she was in a hurry because it was raining.
Well she has out done herself this time. She took her engagement ring off on the computer desk. It was not there in the afternoon. No big deal right? Well with a dog, 4 cats, and a 15 month old. God knows where the hell it might be. I am sifting through garbage piece by piece. Taking more than a passing glance at baby diapers and cat litter just in case one of them decided to swallow the most expensive thing in our house. I am holding on to my temper, but only just.
so four days out seven i have been tearing the house to shreds to try finding absentmindedly placed items.
ring hasn't turned up yet. i don't know what i'll do if it doesnt turn up soon. lose my mind probably (some might say it's already gone)
Well she has out done herself this time. She took her engagement ring off on the computer desk. It was not there in the afternoon. No big deal right? Well with a dog, 4 cats, and a 15 month old. God knows where the hell it might be. I am sifting through garbage piece by piece. Taking more than a passing glance at baby diapers and cat litter just in case one of them decided to swallow the most expensive thing in our house. I am holding on to my temper, but only just.
so four days out seven i have been tearing the house to shreds to try finding absentmindedly placed items.
ring hasn't turned up yet. i don't know what i'll do if it doesnt turn up soon. lose my mind probably (some might say it's already gone)