Good luck brother. Yeah I had nevee been unemployed before this last 5 month stretch its hard for sure.Thank you for sharing your good news. Aside from the happiness I feel for you, it helps to keep me optimistic. I have been looking for about a month and a half and I am finally getting some serious activity. I had a phone interview yesterday that ended with them saying they will schedule me to come in for a formal interview and to meet the team. Then today another company set me up with a lunch interview on Friday. It has been over 30 years since I was last unemployed and I am really not handling it well.
GOOD LUCK with the job and the future B&M,
Smoke something flavorful cause I can't taste sh*t lol.Congrats on the good news bro! I'll smoke one for ya tonight!
Congrats buddy, happy for you. Sorry I got you sick lol, told you not to kiss me.Well as of today I am officially an employee of Got hired as a lead in thier Phoenix warehouse. 6:30pm to 5am Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This may not sound like much but it is a dream job to me. It pays better than almost any other job someone like me (by that I mean someone who didn't go to college) can get, AND I get to be home durring the day with my two year old Son. On top of this I looked around at small business loans today and its looking like by this time next year I may be able to open my own B&M. Which is my ultimate goal. Today was a good day. Too bad I have a cold and don't want to waste a cigar.
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