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Today is a Good Day (Daily Thread)

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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
spent my afternoon after work playing borderlands 2 with the wife. rolled out with her to have dinner with four of our close friends. after some decent thai food, rolled back to our place; the ladies are yakking upstairs over dessert, and my guys and i are sharing some penzance and going over favorite food and drink moments.

good day. o)
You on PS3 java? Or just plan locally with the wifey


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Yeah, I just spent the last three hours watching Korean dramas with the wife. I'd hate to say it but I don't mind as long as we are cuddled up on the couch together. My man card may be revoked but I will take the time with her where I can get it.
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA
Yeah, I just spent the last three hours watching Korean dramas with the wife. I'd hate to say it but I don't mind as long as we are cuddled up on the couch together. My man card may be revoked but I will take the time with her where I can get it.
Damn right, just skipped my cigar for the night to cuddle up with the wife and watch a movie. She doesn't mind the smoke but my man cave has no tv yet. I love this hobby like no other I've ever had, but family time is first. Thanks for this thread hoshy.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
A lot of BS going on in my professional life, but I got to share the day with my dad. Watched Kentucky get killed by Florida (the highlight was the company not the game), and then headed to the driving range with cigars in hand to grease the gears for spring. Watching the cats in KY is a family thing and it's been a long time since I watched with him.

Oh, and I had cap'n crunch for dinner so that topped it off well.
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Feb 19, 2011
Brick, NJ- 10 mins from the beach
So far fantastic day. Last night I convinced my girlfriend to watch the documentary 'Kaz' with me (my third time) and she loved it. Great night sleep and today, so far, a 3-mile run, stretch, a little fetch with the dogs and now a healthy and very satisfying breakfast. Rest of the day will be spent walking the dogs, puttering about and yet accomplishing much, some wgt.com golf with a nice cigar.

If you are a fan of : racing, cars, thinking, a deeper sense of things (at all), Gran Turismo, "coincidences", etc. and/or any combination of those listed do yourself a favor and watch this film. It has blown me away each time I have watched it. I love stuff like this-

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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Have been having a few really good days.

My folks are in town from SC and haven't been down here in a little over a year. Yesterday while the wife went out with my mother dress shopping, I took my day cursing the town in my bus. We hit the local b&m so I could introduce him to the guys. We all went and did a little shopping and had some lunch. After that we went to Punta Gorda and walked the Fishermen's Village and had some dinner.

Today we all went to the local flea market and wondered around for a few hours together, scored a sweet little flint action lighter for $2 and I want to try and get working. Right now we are all chilling outside read and relaxing while I have a cigar. My mother is about to make her baked spaghetti which I haven't had in a few years! After dinner I am taking my father to the b&m for our Sunday night fire. Maybe he will have his second cigar.

It's really nice to have them in town as I only get to see them maybe once a year if that. This is also the first time my wife has got to spend some good time with them.

Life's good brothers.


Master of Mayhem * BoM 1/14
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Mar 17, 2013
Cowboy cut ribeyes on the charcoal ice cold red stripe Opus X and my bitch:eyebrow:


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Sep 7, 2013
Slept in with the gf this morning then did a quick supermarket run, cooked and relaxed most of today. Downloaded a few movies to watch tonight and enjoying an incredible RomaCraft atlatl thanks to Doug. Also may have a line on a Barclay Rex for Zach. I hope it comes thru.

Today is a good day.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Got up and went to breakfast with the wife and kids at my buddy's restaurant.

Smoked a blind review stick from Clint. Took almost three hours!

Wife made a great dinner.

Now just relaxing with five week old son on my chest while my 22 month old daughter runs around with no diaper and my wife chases her haha


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN

As I am getting older I don't know what I like more about visiting my friends. Hanging out with my buddies or getting to see all my nieces. Is it wrong to visit a friend just so I can hang out with his kids? ;)
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May 21, 2013
New Hampshire
Great thread! Love the positive vibes! I have a couple things I would like to share.
1) I am taking a road trip to surprise my Dad for his 60th b-Day. 18hr drive ish. My parents live in Aiken SC and I live in Manchester NH. It's going to be a blast I can't wait.
2) On Friday afternoon I got word that My Wife and I are officially Home Owners (pending home inspection) So not quite official. Hahaha pretty happy right now hoping everything goes well. My wife and I have been together since 1998 and have never lived on our own. We have always had someone living with us. So April 11th can't come fast enough!


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI

As I am getting older I don't know what I like more about visiting my friends. Hanging out with my buddies or getting to see all my nieces. Is it wrong to visit a friend just so I can hang out with his kids? ;)
If you don't have kids, it's sounds like you're ready :)
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
Great thread! Love the positive vibes! I have a couple things I would like to share.
1) I am taking a road trip to surprise my Dad for his 60th b-Day. 18hr drive ish. My parents live in Aiken SC and I live in Manchester NH. It's going to be a blast I can't wait.
2) On Friday afternoon I got word that My Wife and I are officially Home Owners (pending home inspection) So not quite official. Hahaha pretty happy right now hoping everything goes well. My wife and I have been together since 1998 and have never lived on our own. We have always had someone living with us. So April 11th can't come fast enough!
Congrats Brother on your HOME! That is Great! I'm sure y'all with have many many years of happiness!! And I'm sure your Pop is going to love spending time with you! It's going to be a great surprise for him.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Great thread! Love the positive vibes! I have a couple things I would like to share.
1) I am taking a road trip to surprise my Dad for his 60th b-Day. 18hr drive ish. My parents live in Aiken SC and I live in Manchester NH. It's going to be a blast I can't wait.
2) On Friday afternoon I got word that My Wife and I are officially Home Owners (pending home inspection) So not quite official. Hahaha pretty happy right now hoping everything goes well. My wife and I have been together since 1998 and have never lived on our own. We have always had someone living with us. So April 11th can't come fast enough!
Congrats Brother on your HOME! That is Great! I'm sure y'all with have many many years of happiness!! And I'm sure your Pop is going to love spending time with you! It's going to be a great surprise for him.
Haha! That is so awesome man. I kinda understand how you feel. My wife and I moved in with my parents 10+ years ago when my father was dealing with emphysema. It sounds like you guys are ready and that's just awesome. Congrats buddy and enjoy your time together. ;)