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Quitting Smoking Cigarettes

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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Okay gang, so tomorrow is a big day for me. After trying and failing a few years ago, I'm going to give quitting smoking cigarettes another go.

I have been a smoker for around 11 years, and picked it up real heavy (a pack + a day) when I got sober 6 years ago. I'm 26, my teeth are yellow, I always stink like an ashtray, I'm in abominable shape, and generally just tired of feeling so awful about myself. I underestimated it last time I tried; I figured, "I quit drinking + other things, I have tons of willpower, I'll be fine!" 26 hours later I was a nervous wreck, picking fights with loved ones, screaming in traffic, and eventually caved and smoked. :bigeyes:

Really not looking forward to the physical act of quitting, as my memories of it from last time are pretty terrible, but I'm anxious to be free of cigarettes; to start getting my physical health back on track, to stop having such a strong mental crutch, and to have some finances freed up to spend on other habits (A-HEM....) I have the gum (not a fan of the patch), candies, sunflower seeds, water bottles, and have scheduled as much of my day as I can tomorrow. I have a support system in place of people I can call if things get really ugly. I have random motivational reminders set in my phone. A good buddy of mine who quit years ago also told me if I feel like I'm really going to cave, buy a can of snus and pinch one to take the edge off...

All in all, I guess what I am trying to do here is remind myself (via you guys and this board) how much I want to do this, and how it's a good thing for me. Hoping to stay willing, committed, and most of all, sane, for the next week. Thanks for listening, here goes nothing...


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Sep 7, 2013
Good luck and just realize you are stronger than the crave.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I know I may get some crap but in my experience of friends most of all of them quit with vapes. So if you have a bad craving and think you're gonna have a set back take a puff or two on a vape pen.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Good luck man. I agree with hoshy, get a basic ego, and use it as a crutch if you feel the need to. I know some people who used it to wean themselves off, and eventually quit. Regardless of how you're attempting it, best of luck.


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Andrew, brother, I feel your pain. For 20+ years, I was a pack a day smoker up until 5 months ago. I did it cold turkey without the use of a vaporizer. But each of us are different. If you feel you need the snus, you use it. If you feel you need the vape, use it, if you feel you need to pick up the phone and call someone, do it. Hell, PM me, I'll give you mine. Regardless, know you are not alone on this struggle.

Usually, I would take this time to insult Spanky, but quitting smoking is serious stuff...
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May 5, 2014
New Prague MN
good luck! I am 5 years free of smoking cigs daily, I slip up from time to time and have one when at the bar, but its one every 6-7 months at best. The nice part is, I can now smoke one at the bar if I want and have no need to pick up another the next day. I used chantix and sunflower seeds. went from a 12 year pack to pack and a half a day habit to nothing and trust me my health is ten times better.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Hey man everyone is different, I smoked cigs for about 5 years. was 1/2 a pack day guy and i weened myself off cigs and used "Kojak" method (i.e. used lollypops to help with cravings). 10 cigs a day became 7 for a week, then 7 became 5, so on and so forth till just didn't need them anymore and used lollypops to help ease the cravings. Good Luck
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Jan 28, 2014
Columbus, Oh
Good luck brother. I was a pack and a half a day smoker for 10 years. Quitting sucks, but I am very happy I did and you will be too.
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Feb 27, 2014
Newcastle, UK
Good luck! I think giving up the cigs is one of the hardest things to do period. But just think, in X amount of time you'll be able to look back and think " I've been an ex-smoker for ... years" and that will be an awesome feeling!
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Oct 2, 2013
Attleboro, Mass
Best of luck brother! I'm about at that point myself. Been smoking cigs far to much for far to long. Been thinking and feeling I should quit for a bit now. Keep us posted and hang in there!