Hay guys. Just signed up and wanted to get in an intro before I dig too deep into the site. A little about me. I am a father of 3, husband of 1 for 18 years, I am 42 a self employed entrepreneur and starting to enjoy the fruits on my labor, still broke BUT I'm 100% self employed and that is enough..LOL I am an avid Homebrewer, I LOVE to spend time on my boat camping and am really enjoying the cigar hobby. I have only been smoking cigars for about 4-5 months. I am a member of a home brew forum and got bombed by a guy there and I have been in search of great smokes ever since! He hit me with Liga Pravda #9, t52, papas fritas, tats and a bunch more I am saving for real special occasions. I am a big fan of A fuentas, Man O war, Diesel and if course Drew estates Undercrown! That is a KILLER KILLER stick IMHO. I have found I am enjoying the darker Maduro wrapper and not really sure why the world went crazy for the Camaroon as I have been in search for one I like, I think I have been just trying some cheepo camaroon crap and probably just missing the boat on it. Or I have had some liked them and just not known what I was puffen on. That very well could be the case too. Anyhow enough about me. I look forward to reading some past stuff here and adding to the future!