A cigar bomb is a gift. I think of it like I do any other gift. As long as the recipient isn't being disrespectful in their conduct,
I don't really care what they do with it. Once I've given the stick, it belongs to the recipient. They can do with it as they choose.
Of course, a bomb is given with the intent that the recipient will enjoy the cigars sent. I try to honor that sentiment both with cigars I send, and cigars I receive.
But if I sent you a cigar that you know you don't like, or have a bunch of already, I'd be glad to know you paid it forward to someone who would appreciate the stick, be it a buddy, another BotL, or a soldier overseas. Cigars are for smoking, no sense it in languishing in the bottom of your humidor forever just because someone gave it to you.
If you have a financial hardship and decide to sell the stick I gifted you, you have my blessing. I know not everyone feels that way, but I see no reason for someone in financial difficulty to hold into valuable cigars out of respect while he can't afford rent or dr bills or whatever.
Just don't post an ISO for a rate stick at MSRP, then turn around and sell it at a high markup, taking advantage of generosity for personal gains.
Bottom line: a cigar bomb is a gift, not some sort of "you must personally smoke this" contract. As long as your actions are respectful to the giver, it's all good in my book.