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Thinking of Changing Careers and Opening a B&M

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Oct 2, 2013
Attleboro, Mass
Some of you know that my current profession is a dirty roadie for bands. It's been a really fun 12 years on the road and seeing the world but lately I've been feeling it's time for a change. I'd like to be home more and spend time with friends and family instead of living on a bus. I've been trying to think about what I could do that would accomplish this and also let me still do something I love and enjoy. I have been restoring pipes a bunch lately and am hoping to get a setup going in the shop that will allow me to make my own pipes. I got to thinking about how to sell them and that lead me to the thought about opening a B&M that specializes in pipes and boutique cigars.
In Rhode Island there really isn't a pipe shop anymore (there was a great one but the owner passed away) and finding a B&M that caters to my taste and I would like to spend time in and smoke at has been very difficult. Perhaps if I build the type of place I like others will come (field of dreams style!).
I would like to have a lounge and also have the ability to do internet sales as well.
So I wanted to reach out to the brothers here and ask what it is that you look for in a B&M? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also does anyone here have any insight into the running or starting of said B&M? Again any help is greatly appreciated.
I think this very well could be the next chapter for me and fulfill all the requirements I have for my retirement from the road.
Thanks all!


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Go to some B&M's and talk with the managers or owners and get their take on what it's like to run the place. I know a lot of them around the country and it's not all gravy and biscuits...there is more work than you realize and the hours can be brutal esp. when you open one up. The cost of operations and getting Vendors in is another big hurdle to deal with. I'd look for a partner(s) to share cost because it's going to be expensive and defraying costs is a biggie....don't use your house or anything else you own as collateral to get a loan otherwise if the B&M doesn't work you won't lose your house(s). While owning a B&M seems to be ideal...why not work for one first and get a real sense of what it takes?
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Sep 9, 2014
North Haven, CT
I'm not sure what your previous experience is, but beware that running a business is a lot harder than it looks and takes a lot more work. You'll need to figure out space (rent/purchase, construction, remodel, permits, zoning, liability, etc), inventory (what distributors sell in your area, what are the minimum annual purchase amounts, are minimums higher if you also want to carry limited editions, etc), Regulations (smoking indoors, selling tobacco products, etc), hiring, bookkeeping, insurance, etc.

I definitely don't want to talk you out of it (heck, I'd take a ride up to RI the day you open just to say hi), but want to make sure you go into it with realistic expectations. I would definitely suggest talking to other shop owners in RI to get their experience.

If it were my B&M, I look for a few things - a comfortable place to smoke (key for those cold new england winters), a knowledgeable staff, a decent/good selection (it doesn't need to be mind blowing, but if all you carry is General, I prob won't visit very often). Added bonuses are a BYOB policy and a locker where I can leave my own stash (for things you might not sell).

Good luck, and definitely keep us posted on your decision/progress.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
This was asked before and there was a lot of discussion. I'll see if I can find the thread. It will be very expensive to get started if you want to open with a good selection. That is probably the biggest cash intensive item, then you have the build out and then the issue of being able to smoke in the store.

Internet sales will require that you have someone who can build the site for you, maintain your online database and inventory. Credit card processing will be a challenge to find someone who allows non face to face tobacco sales, they are out there, but not very many. MasterCard requires you to pay an upfront fee then a small amount yearly to use them. You will also need a service that provides age verification. You will likely need some Graphic support for the online side as well, images for the website, emails and/or any other Marketing materials.

Just getting the doors open can be pretty costly, then you have to make money right away to keep then place stocked up. I am not trying to discourage you, many of us would love to have our own shop, just don't underestimate the amount of cash you'll need just to open up.
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Oct 2, 2013
Attleboro, Mass
Thank you all for the responses! I'm currently looking into the incorporation process and trying to figure out how to go about funding the business. I'm trying to get all the info and knowledge I can so any and all help is appreciated. You all rock!


BoM March '14
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Aug 14, 2013
Spring strong sweet tall green grass grow...


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
I can tell you that I'm no entrepreneur, but even if I was, I would never start up a tobacco company in this kind of environment unless I had significant prior experience in both the cigar industry (say as a cigar rep), as well as in retail.

It's a difficult thing to own your own retail shop of any kind, and even more so when you're looking at opening a retail shop in an industry in which there is increasing intolerance from society, looming FDA regulation, and all sorts of anti-tobacco laws being passed every where you look.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
Here's the one I was thinking of:

Maybe ping Griz and see how far he took it...
Griz didnt yet, still have a job, just not for much longer, at least thats what they tell me. From what I found out, its gonna be a lot of hoops to jump through in Pa. and with new crap coming down the legislative pipe.... doubt it will happen on my end. Besides, Im just too old to start over, wal-mart, here I come:(
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Jun 7, 2014
summerside pei canada
Griz didnt yet, still have a job, just not for much longer, at least thats what they tell me. From what I found out, its gonna be a lot of hoops to jump through in Pa. and with new crap coming down the legislative pipe.... doubt it will happen on my end. Besides, Im just too old to start over, wal-mart, here I come:(
That sucks. Hope you find something you enjoy. Good luck.


BoM March '14
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Aug 14, 2013
Spring strong sweet tall green grass grow...
Griz didnt yet, still have a job, just not for much longer, at least thats what they tell me. From what I found out, its gonna be a lot of hoops to jump through in Pa. and with new crap coming down the legislative pipe.... doubt it will happen on my end. Besides, Im just too old to start over, wal-mart, here I come:(
How close do you live to Stin?
I hear there might be a B&M counter position opening up!