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3rd shift

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Sep 11, 2014
rock hill sc
OK guys. At work they are doing a shift alignment. As the new guy ( 6 months) I have to move to 3rd. I have always worked 2nd. Do you guys like 3rd? If so why?
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
What kind of gig is it? I was a copper for two very instructive years during my young life. I LOVED night shift. The brass was never around, calls were always exciting and I got a lot of stuff done during the day.
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Sep 8, 2014
land of the frozen sun aka city of wind
i never worked 3rd... only second (and that was when i was part time years ago).
people that work 2nd shift get the shaft. here is why...

if you work 3rd shift, you are working while people sleep. you sleep while people work. the other hours (roughly 4p - midnight) you are awake, and 1st shift people are awake, and you are able to do regular things, such as meet, have dinner, etc.

2nd shift - you are working during the few hours that everyone else has free time. you both start work and get out of work at a time that is too inconvenient to meet people. you are truly sacrificing your social life.
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Jul 16, 2014
Lizella, GA, United States
I work 3rd Shift and absolutely love it. As far as the work environment, it's a lot more laid back, less people, and better pay. The home life works out good as well. Come home, see the wife and kids off to work(she's actually out of work temporarily) and school, and then crash for about 6hrs. Wake up in time to grab a bite and pick the boys up from school. The rest of the day is the same as if i were on day shift. Only difference is, I tuck the kids in bed, then Momma , and head out to work. It does take some getting used to, and some people hate it. Hopefully you'll dig it. Good luck.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
You are basically taking a 50/50 chance. I will tell you if your body can handle it, it is a fantastic shift. It's quiet and nobody wants to dick around because they are tired. I worked it for ten years but eventually it caught up and it played havoc on my body. Some people can work it without an issue though. Making time for sleep is an absolute must, you can become a different person without sleep. Black out your curtains, get some good ear plugs and make a sleep schedule. This is the key to surviving.
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Jul 22, 2014
Have to agree with less bs on third shift, and with what I do there is a premium. Union electrician. I don't mind third shift, more pay as first and time to spend with little ones.


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
My father worked 3rd for about last 15 years up until a year or so ago when he retired. I worked overnights in fast food through the teens. Its a great shift if you can handle it. Like the other guys said less traffic. Less bs from co workers and management. Sometimes higher pay. The challenging part is trying to spend time with family and get proper sleep so you don't get hurt at work or wreck ur stuff on the drive. My father and I have both fell asleep on the highway before and If it wasn't for the rumble strips we'd both be toast! Its nice to see tax money go to a good cause for once! You just gotta do your best to be there for your family when you can but they also have to understand your safety can be at stake. Its hard for little ones and wifes to understand but its pretty important and often over looked. Out side of that its great!
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Feb 22, 2015
New Jersey
worked (and working) midnights for years. love it. as long as you can manage your life properly, you'll love it too. you get time alone, and with the family, as long as you can adjust your sleep schedule. many of the pros and drs i've heard from say to stick to a sleep pattern and not to alter it. in my honest opinion, it's about what your body tells you. i've worked some sort of shift for the past 17 years and have found that i can sleep around my activities.
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Dec 5, 2013
Irwin, PA, USA
I work 3rd and have for a few years. I guess I'm one that it doesn't bother. I can get 5-6hrs of sleep per day and wake up feeling good. If I try to get that amount of sleep while sleeping at night, I'm exhausted.

It also works best for my personal life with childcare and such.

Hope it treats you well. You either love it or hate it
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
I work 12 hour shifts (really 13) sometimes even more depending on how my shift starts and ends. Been doing it just shy of 5 years. It wasn't easy coming from a 7a-3p shift 5 days a week. But you'll learn to progress as the nights go on and you get yourself on a routine on sleep. And I noticed my eating patterns change also. Normal person's dinner is my breakfast, at work for break is lunch and when I go home in the morning it's my dinner and then off to bed.

Up side of it a little more money. But for me sadly, our resources are limited at night and we have to do a lot more work rather than the day shift employees when they have the necessary staff to get things done.
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Jul 22, 2014
Greybull, WY
I agree totally with all that is said about 7p-7a. I'm working that shift now and less brass is key. Unfortunately I change from that to 7a-7p every week...aargh shiftwork! It does include a week off every 4weeks...that time is NICE. Has taken a while to get used to for sure.
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Feb 8, 2015
Fort Worth, Tx
I honestly can't believe the vast majority of people would choose less pay (typically, anyway), rush hour traffic, lines everywhere for everything, a million bottom rung management types roaming around, and on and on and on instead of the peace and quiet of night shift. I've been working it since I was 18, have no desire to change, but did however move into a career where federal law allows for napping on the clock (just to get over that 4am hump) hahaha


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
I honestly can't believe the vast majority of people would choose less pay (typically, anyway), rush hour traffic, lines everywhere for everything, a million bottom rung management types roaming around, and on and on and on instead of the peace and quiet of night shift. I've been working it since I was 18, have no desire to change, but did however move into a career where federal law allows for napping on the clock (just to get over that 4am hump) hahaha
And what exactly do you do that federal law allows for nap time?


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
I worked 11p-7a at a residential treatment facility for emotionally and behaviorally challenged youth. The shift was given to me b/c I was a new hire and that was all they had, so I took it. Overall, it wasn't bad. The clients were all asleep, most the time, and it wasn't nearly as chaotic. The only tough part was the sleep. I never got too accustomed to it. Most mornings I would sleep around 4-5 hours, wake up and do some stuff, and then go back to bed for a "nap" before work.
After about 6 months I got transferred to the 3p-11p shift. I liked the shift better, but it was hectic from 3 until about 10. Hectic meaning fist fights, sexual predation, self harm, attacks on staff, etc.
So, night shift wasn't that bad overall.
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Feb 26, 2015
Houston, TX
I've never had to work nights, but I work in a 24/7 facility where operations cycles through 12-hr day and night shift. By far, my coworkers prefer nights. No one really looking over your shoulder, a whole lot more laid back.
One negative, I don't know if it's from going back and forth, or just going against the natural circadian rhythm, but I have been told that it plays havoc on the bowels.

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
Staff member
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
I worked earlies for years. hatd on the body for me, but I survived. I just learned to sleep first thing and take a nap before I went in to work. my daughter is now working that 7pm to 730am shift at the hospital. She hates it. Lol


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
When I worked I had worked every shift....Day Shift is the most popular only because it coincides with how the rest of the world lives. Swing Shift is a lazy mans shift because you can either choose to sleep most of the day and then go to work or you can choose to get a lot of things done during the day and then go to work. Graveyard is a shift that can ruin your sleep cycle as it did mine because I worked it for 10 years and now I pretty much have insomnia. What I like best now is working no shifts...retirement is the best shift ever.