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Moving is a biatch

Cigarth Vader

Official Jedi of BOTL.org
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Sep 16, 2014
Southern California
Found out a few weeks ago that my landlord is selling the house that we are currently living in, no big deal so started looking for a new place.

Found said new place, shook the gal's hand and told her we would take it. Tell my landlord we found a place to move and that we'll be out at the end of the month. Fats forward a week and still haven't heard from the lady who is supposed to rent to us, finally monday I get in touch with her...

She says that she had changed her mind and will not be renting the house but selling it instead. So now we have <2 weeks to find a place and move.

Frustrating as hell, and I've been searching all this week. I think I finally found a place for us (myself, girlfriend and 2 dogs), but it's been like a witch hunt trying to find something in our price range that is accommodating.

Just needed to vent my frustrations, and any positive thoughts, good vibes, or prayers for us to find a place to live would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers all, I'll be back on the board more after I get this housing issue figured out.
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Feb 13, 2015
Hometown, USA
I've done this multiple times over the last 18 years obviously. While it sucks when you're in the moment, it always worked itself out in the end. I've had less than 5 days to find a place for my family before. It's stressful as hell, but again, it's always come together. I'm sure the same will hold true in your case. Your new place just may be what you needed, and will surely bring you new experiences and challenges. Don't sweat the small stuff brother, just continue to enjoy what life throws at you. On the bright side, it looks like everyone will now have to update their address books :D
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
Well pardon my French, but that stinks! (n) You'll find something soon enough I'm sure brother. And yes, moving is awful. If I wind up in hell, that's what I'll be doing...:eek:
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Apr 23, 2015
Unspecified Bunker in El Paso - status: vagabond
I've been in this position too many times. Your best option is to laugh, then break out a nice cigar. The way I've learned to handle these situations is to find a cheap storage unit that's near the neighborhood you think you'll end up. Move all your stuff there nice and casual. It might add a bit of cost to the move but it will add immeasurable abouts of relief. First off, you're not going to feel increasingly stressed as your move out day arrives because your stuff will be somewhere safe, you and your family can always move into a friend's house or even a hotel. Second, when you do get a new home you can figure out where everything can go. You can bring things in bit by bit. Put things exactly where you want them. Anybody that's moved into a new place all at once has felt the pressure to just put things away, even if it's not the ideal place. Things get misplaced and lost. This way, everything is exactly where you want it.

That's my .02, it's only with a hapenny, but it's out there. Best of luck to you.
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
Yes moving does suck! I will be prayin that you find a house better than the one you were living in and for less money :) Like everyone said "It will all work out!" You have a place out there with your name on it already :) stay positive and don't stress!
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Sep 9, 2014
North Haven, CT
Ben, I've been in that same spot a couple times, once a landlord backed out on me 3 days before I was supposed to get the keys and 5 days before I had to be out. I ended up in a place I wasn't too thrilled about, but it ended up being one of the best years of my life. You just gotta figure out what you need to be happy in a place and don't sweat the rest of it. For me, at that time, it was the neighborhood. I was single, didn't care about a yard, schools, etc. I just wanted to be in a certain neighborhood. Ended up taking a basement unit that I wasn't thrilled with. Turned out the neighbors were all great, the restaurants and bars nearby were exactly was I was looking for, and I got used to being in a basement. I'm sure you'll work it out.

Until then, keep calm and puff on.

The Munt

Observe everything. Listen intently.
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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
It's never fun at all. Once your in though it's a nice feeling.

I actually read an article about how to not get divorced the other day, and move often was the no. 1 tip, I guess it keeps you from stagnating / getting stuck in a rut.