The General
Searched for a similar related thread but couldn't find one.( feel free to move this if it's in the wrong section) Anyhow if you guys are anything like me, you love pictures!
Started this hoping some more military brothers could post their pictures so the rest of us can live thru their pictures! So brothers if you're in the military post those deployment pictures up I know youths have them saved!
Let's kick this off!
Today marks a year back from the sandbox.
My name is Chuck, wife hates that name she calls me Charlie.
Anybody who has ever been in a C-17 knows how comfortable they are, not. This was our flight into theater. My back has never hurt so much.
We flew in style tho.
This was my Ordnance Munitions crew in Afghanistan! Most of them have moved onto bigger better things but served their four years honorably. We hated each other and loved each other! Together we built the most reliable Ordnance to support the grunts on the ground.
I was fortunate enough to get my license and this became my vehicle for a few months until someone broke it.
The Dog House! Thus place was either hot or cold as New Jersey in January. But we still got our workouts done!
Promotion to Sergeant, it was a great day. More money for my family.
Selfies of course.
Burn barrels.. Hold your breath .. I noted this in my medical record in case I die from it.
Romania .. Forgot what beer we had but it was horrible. First two beers in 7 months.
Fresh Guinness in Ireland!
And hands down the best feeling in the world... My wife running up to me after so many moths apart. Only to find out she would replace me in Afghanistan a week after.
Hope others kick off some cool pictures! And hope the rest of you brothers enjoy them. I typed this up on the ipad sorry if there are typos!
Started this hoping some more military brothers could post their pictures so the rest of us can live thru their pictures! So brothers if you're in the military post those deployment pictures up I know youths have them saved!
Let's kick this off!
Today marks a year back from the sandbox.
My name is Chuck, wife hates that name she calls me Charlie.
Anybody who has ever been in a C-17 knows how comfortable they are, not. This was our flight into theater. My back has never hurt so much.

We flew in style tho.

This was my Ordnance Munitions crew in Afghanistan! Most of them have moved onto bigger better things but served their four years honorably. We hated each other and loved each other! Together we built the most reliable Ordnance to support the grunts on the ground.

I was fortunate enough to get my license and this became my vehicle for a few months until someone broke it.

The Dog House! Thus place was either hot or cold as New Jersey in January. But we still got our workouts done!

Promotion to Sergeant, it was a great day. More money for my family.

Selfies of course.

Burn barrels.. Hold your breath .. I noted this in my medical record in case I die from it.

Romania .. Forgot what beer we had but it was horrible. First two beers in 7 months.

Fresh Guinness in Ireland!

And hands down the best feeling in the world... My wife running up to me after so many moths apart. Only to find out she would replace me in Afghanistan a week after.

Hope others kick off some cool pictures! And hope the rest of you brothers enjoy them. I typed this up on the ipad sorry if there are typos!