I agree with the 'romance' notion of having some more LC14s in the humi to last a while....
That being said, those of you that had this same perspective need to shake it off. Your sweet sweet 2014 Las Cals remain pure and untainted and now you get to experience the blend in all new sizes, potentially deepening the passion you have for this blend. For me, I'm ecstatic.
Consider this... I believe with ever fiber in my being that the Hecho con Corazon was the best size available at the time for this blend. It had an unmarked red ribbon as a band and wasn't part of the regular release. Imagine the near heart attack I experienced when I read that an even larger sampling of sizes in this blend are going to be available, and let yourself feel the same. There should be no sadness here, simply a celebration that we get to continue to enjoy this blend even more with the additional sizes, shedding any sort of bitterness that may be had because the LC15 was not the same blend as the LC14. This release allows us to celebrate both the old and the new, exclusively but also in a codependent environment. Hopefully, this will heighten your love for the LC14 blend and open our eyes to the LC15 blend now that you don't "need" to compare it to the LC14, as if to compare this mistress to the last.
Be happy. Soak it in. Feel the light. Smile big. La Imperiosa is here to dry your tears and tuck you into bed.