Good morning all my new BOTL! I'm really enjoying this site! But on a more serious note and not to dampen your day. I sit down last night to relax and smoke my evening bowl. I had packed up a bowl of constellation in my trusty apple briar lit it and got a phone call. I hadn't seen this name/number pop up on my phone in years so I answer it. On the other end I hear a sobbing voice saying please tell me everything is OK! So naturally I said "everything is OK". She was the ex of my old roommate and friend of 25 years who after letting him stay at my house for six months to help him get back on his feet after moving back from Portland with nothing except a dog was shot and killed on the street. She was having a breakdown and I tried my best to console her but it created a lump in my throat and caused my stomache to churn. It also made me agitated and anxious which I was not aware of at the time. I thought I was handling it pretty well, but when I got off of the phone with her I realized that I had just ripped through the whole bowl and my tounge was completely fried. I woke up this morning and lit up my morning cigar it was ruined. Everything that I smoke tastes like I put a spoonful of baking soda in my mouth first and the warmth of even the cooler smoke is irritating it. So now I'm trying to suck on ice and let it heal. One good thing came out of this for me and that is that now I know if anything negative or stressful comes up while I'm smoking a pipe just put it down and come back to it later to wind down from whatever the situation might be. Lesson learned! I hope you all have a good day and may your smoke be cool and smooth!