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What's in your bowl today

The Munt

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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
Just winador bombed a mate and enjoying some 3 nuns in the Sav 122 in the beautiful part of Australia said mate lives! A&W root beer as a pairing. Its amazing that i can only get root beer in Asian Grocers here in Australia! Just curious what are they worth for a carton in their country of origin... or cream soda also a great pair.

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Aug 5, 2015
Cincinnati, OH USA
Well another week past and a damn good one at that. Life creates a state of awe in me when things happen that I always had it in my head would be dreams, but I have come to the realization that when I do the right things in my life and stay the course, (even when it's hard or a little scary facing the unknown changes that may occur) those things that I always considered dreams can come true.

I'm sitting on my porch this morning listening to the crickets and frogs. It's a little after 4:30 am and the neighborhood is nice and quiet. Every once in a while I hear the trains in the train yard signaling each other with their horns, which is a sound I love. It makes me think they are beckoning me to hop on and see where we end up. Just pack my backpack with a little food, water, a change of clothes and a couple pipes, pouches and cleaners and I would be good to go. But right now in my life that wouldn't be the right thing, so luckily I have the luxury to sit on my porch and enjoy a little meat pie and EMP and daydream about past journeys and future accomplishments that I hope to achieve. Then just relax, puff and find contentment in the moment.
Enjoy your Sunday and may your smoke be cool and smooth. 20150906_055654-1.jpg
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Aug 5, 2015
Cincinnati, OH USA
I have a pipe on etsy right now that I have gotten a lot of hits and a couple likes on amd I have lowered the price twice already, but no takers. I have never tried to sell one online before so we shall see. If anyone has advise please let me know.

Sorry for the shameless plug mixed with my question.