Remember. She's in the diamond business. She can blow me away at any time with purchases. It all works out. Now to let these sleep.Man, you're a brave man letting her know what the sticks cost
Remember. She's in the diamond business. She can blow me away at any time with purchases. It all works out. Now to let these sleep.Man, you're a brave man letting her know what the sticks cost
You got it.Ahhhh I guess I know who to come to when I need to get an engagement ring
Ahhhh I guess I know who to come to when I need to get an engagement ring
Chuck,Remember. She's in the diamond business. She can blow me away at any time with purchases. It all works out. Now to let these sleep.
She's got ya already! At cost diamonds for all the wanna-be engaged people please!Ahhhh I guess I know who to come to when I need to get an engagement ring
Maybe, maybe not...Tyler, did you ever pick up any more of those Jibaros?
No fair! :crytears:Maybe, maybe not...