If it's worth doing, It's worth doing right.
Just wanted to say how nice it's been, everyone has been great, and the ideas I've gotten here for new cigars to try is really cool, so thanks and I'm going to build a coolidor after reading a hundred threads on it, it just makes more sense to store all my favs, but not being a traditionalist, I can't do anything normal,so, I asking the brotherhood for help, I'm going find a vintage metal icechest and gut it out, sanitize it and line it with cedar from old cigar boxes, that's where the brothers come in, tell me how much $ you need for your old cigar boxes and shipping costs and I will send you the $, as soon as I get the cooler, I will know how many boxes I will need. I will post the process as it happens, I think we will all enjoy what I have in mind. How's that sound to you guys, any thoughts will be apriciated, thanks in advance. Todd