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Would you like to see a cigar rolling subforum added for our enjoyment?

Would you like to see a cigar rolling subforum added for our enjoyment?

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BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
I'm just not sure I see a need for it. Have a rolling-related video to post? Throw it in the Cigar Video section. Want to discuss rolling, techniques, application, styles etc? I'm sure that would be fine in the General Cigar Discussion area. I can't imagine if there was a subforum for rolling alone that it would be very active.


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
I was thinking that maybe a bunch of the things in the home rolling thread would get broken out into other threads that would organize and be more educational if others decide to give it a shot.

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I completely agree with this, especially with the insane number of rollers we now have on this forum!
Each of the threads will become information and help for future rollers.

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Chulo Savage
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Aug 21, 2014
Lakeland, FL, USA
I enjoy seeing what you guys come up with, but I also think this needs a bit more traffic to justify a subforum. Tell your friends, get more rollers started, give it another few months. Alot of you guys just joined up, give it some time and get well acquainted with the community as a whole.

As for the admins. It is blatantly clear that the homerolling and fermenting topic is both attracting readers and new memberships. If having a subforum increases that membership growth, why not? I think it's been made pretty clear when reading the thread that information on homerolling in an interactive forum setting is rare or unseen. Isnt that the point of all this? Being a place unlike any other, pushing the bounds of human generosity, innovation, and experience?
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Mar 17, 2016
I would like to see it with sections like: classifieds for selling your own equipment or a really good deal you came across, trades of leaf you have excess of.

Maybe a recipe section for tried and true blends. Especially if the author describes the notes that the blend gives when smoked, how long to age, etc...

Growing and fermenting tobacco section.

How about a tobacco flavors section to discuss what you percieve out of different leafs. I'm very new with cigars and cigar rolling and i think something like that would help people with seeking out leafs they otherwise wouldn't because they either never heard of it or don't know what to expect out of it. I think it would also assist people with coming up with more balanced blends.

Rolling techniques section.

Q.A. section.

General discussion section

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SGT Hulka
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Aug 4, 2014
Ft Hood, TX
I'm just not sure I see a need for it. Have a rolling-related video to post? Throw it in the Cigar Video section. Want to discuss rolling, techniques, application, styles etc? I'm sure that would be fine in the General Cigar Discussion area. I can't imagine if there was a subforum for rolling alone that it would be very active.
Agreed. That's also why there is a search bar so people can search for threads that contain information they seek. Not to mention the wealth of knowledge that is already contained in Adventures in Home Rolling.

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Mar 17, 2016
I would like to see it with sections like: classifieds for selling your own equipment or a really good deal you came across, trades of leaf you have excess of.

Maybe a recipe section for tried and true blends. Especially if the author describes the notes that the blend gives when smoked, how long to age, etc...

Growing and fermenting tobacco section.

How about a tobacco flavors section to discuss what you percieve out of different leafs. I'm very new with cigars and cigar rolling and i think something like that would help people with seeking out leafs they otherwise wouldn't because they either never heard of it or don't know what to expect out of it. I think it would also assist people with coming up with more balanced blends.

Rolling techniques section.

Q.A. section.

General discussion section

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The recipe section would be one of the best parts of the whole forum.
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Nov 16, 2014
I'm undecided so far. There is almost too much information in the AiHR thread, and it would be nice to see rolling tips separated from pics of what was recently rolled. My question though is, are there enough possible categories to warrant a whole new subforum, or would it be better to clean this all up with breaking AiHR up into "Today's Roll" and "Rolling Tips" threads still in the Cigars forum?
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Aug 16, 2015
Rockwall TX
I'm just not sure I see a need for it. Have a rolling-related video to post? Throw it in the Cigar Video section. Want to discuss rolling, techniques, application, styles etc? I'm sure that would be fine in the General Cigar Discussion area. I can't imagine if there was a subforum for rolling alone that it would be very active.
I got I the rolling thread today and there were over 80 new posts! I would call that active!

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Aug 16, 2015
Rockwall TX
At a minimum the Adventures thread needs to be broken into sub threads, but a sub forum would allow all the rolling information to be grouped in one place. Using search to try and pick out rolling videos out of the plethora of cigar videos is near impossible. It seems warranted to me, given how unique rolling your own cigars is to cigars in general.

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Dec 13, 2014
I don't roll but I do enjoy seeing what those that are have going on and the AiHR thread is definitely getting overwhelming. For those reasons I voted yea. A sub forum under "The Leaf" would be a welcome addition to me and I don't see what it could hurt

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Jul 17, 2014
Clarksburg, MD
I would definitely support seeing a rolling section. After following the Adventures thread, I picked up a kit to try my hand at it. The biggest challenge I now face is the lack of any structured guidance on what to do from prepping the leaf, to bunching techniques, to guides on blends or how much leaf is needed for a 46rg smoke.

Some of this information has been mentioned in in the Adventures thread, but with all the recent activity, I find it very disjointed and hard to find (and would likely be even harder to find should I need to pull somethin up mid roll).

Having a dedicated place to house this information would be really helpful to someone like myself, and could also give a little push some other helpless soul who think they want to give it a shot, but doesn't really know where to start.
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