Looks like this has died for a few days....just like my diet

. Tl;dr going to try and get healthy small steps at a time.
OK ok ok. 12363rd times the charm. Wife has done an amazing job losing 40 pounds in the past 3 months

. If I don't get in shape I'll be looking for a new wife

. I did lose from 220 to 210 since March, but weight has always fluctuated a bit anyways.
I feel my biggest issue is that I try and flip a switch from unhealthy as f#### to super health freak. It goes great for a week and then I fall back to my usual. So instead of doing it all at once I am going to pick a few things I'd like to work on every couple weeks. Hopefully this way I will actually spend the time learning to make these things a part of my life style and not just a quick fix. I'v been working on these three since Monday. I started this off with 3 easy ones but ones I think a lot of us don't do. At least I know I am bad about all of these and they are each at the core of being healthy. Water, sleep, and breathing. Along with concentrating on these goals I'll also be working on a 1800 a day calorie intake and trying to do some sort of exercise. But the 3 current goals are the most important addition to my (hopefully) permanent life style change.
1) Water water and more water. I think we all know how important water is, even if we don't drink enough of it. So for now on lots of water. I am allowing teas and coffee to fall into this as well. Homebrewed none of that store bought can/bottled $###. I'v found this is already helping a lot. I read somewhere that when the body is thirsty you feel hungry. The body doesn't distinguish the difference. I feel I am a lot less hungry during the day now from drinking more water. I am aiming for half my body weight in fluid ouncles, 105 fl oz. This is the minimum of course the more the better.
2) More sleep. I have never been a good sleeper and I am lucky to get a solid 6 hours. I toss and turn and that's if I even shut my eyes. But sleep is important so I am going to work on it till I got it. Studies have shown sleep can help with everything from weightloss to stress. The goal is 8 hours everyday. So far this week I finally last night got 6 decent hours. So hopefully another week and I will be sleeping better.
3) Deeper breathing. My doctor told me my blood pressure was a bit high. Gave me a few things to work on and deeper breathing was one. Said I breath to shallow in my chest and not deep into diaphragm, really filling my lungs. Blah blah something about oxygen in the blood. I'll just listen to the doc and do as he says, I didn't feel like researching the science. I think this will also help when I decide to move forward with more exercise in a later week. So the goal is to spend 5 minutes every hour (if time allows) doing a deep breathing excersise. Also through out the day whenever I catch myself breathing shallow to try and take a few deep breaths.
I'll try and check in every couple days with an update on how each goal is coming along. And I'll try and remember to do a weekly weigh in as well. Current weight 210.4 lbs. No pic for this one.