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He was our Brother, Our Best Friend and Our Asshole.... RIP Rev.B


Patriot Guard Rider
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Feb 3, 2012
Landrum, South Carolina
I lost my best friend today.

Bryan Strand (Rev.B) age 48 Died this morning at 3:15 AM.

He was a hell of a guy and a top notch BOTL. Anyone who had the opportunity to meet, chat with or trade with Bryan knew what kind of man he truly was. Or lucky enough to have one of his tattoos....
He touched a lot of y'all here in one way or another and believe it or not I know who most of you were. So please give this thread a shout out of how your lives meshed and a big fuck you to toast this great loss.

For me it was much more than just cigars....... I love you Bryan and will miss you forever....

Please don't PM me and ask me what happened anything else will be fine. Just so you know he went peacefully and not alone. So have a toast and if your one of the lucky ones have some Apple Pie and a kick ass cigar today in his honor.

Update Today Wed: Saturday following the service for Bryan Strand we are having a celebration of life party that starts @6pm. Everyone is invited. We are taking up donation for the party expenses.... We are also taking up donation for the family to help with the expense from funeral and whatever else they need. Please send whatever pictures you have of Bryan to Eddie Siemski at freebirdes@hotmail.com
It is BYOB we will have BBQ there if you could bring a side to share that would be great. Please pass this post around. I know I have missed people I do apologize.
The party will be at 895 Mahaffey Cooley Rd, Chesnee SC 29323
We will have signs for you to follow GPS is not accurate.

palpay friends and family


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Aug 12, 2012
Oh no this is horrible. Sorry to hear this. Never had any personal interaction with him, but knew him from the forum.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
Rest In Peace, Rev! I was lucky enough to try some of your shine with some other fellow brothers in Nica. The few times we talked in chat, you were a blast. Thank you for the advice, the laughs, and overwhelming generousity. You will be missed brother!

Steve (Shark)
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
No way...I cannot believe it. Bryan was an amazing guy, he always made this Canadian feel welcome and uncomfortable all at the same time (not really). He was a great guy and made my first HBH amazing. He was one of the most giving ppl I ever met, I will truly miss you Bryan. God bless and watch over all of us.

hhhhhhhhh-ptooo....you got a purdy mouf boy.

Cheers brother.

King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
Rest in Peace Rev.b

I will toast to you tonight friend and celebrate your life the best I know how.

I grew up on BOTL about the same time as Bryan. He was a friend from the start and I was grateful to have met him, chat with him and smoke a cigar with him. Such a character that will surely be missed. Peace broski..!!



BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Oh, I was so sorry to hear about how he was doing a couple days ago, and now to hear he has passed. I've only been around him at the Hillbilly Herf, but such a big heart and nice guy. As we talked about at the herf, I love how cigars can bring together all walks of life. I'm so sorry for his closest friends/family at this time.

I will definitely toast a stiff one and smoke a good cigar in your honor buddy. RIP.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
R.I.P Rev B.

Although I mainly knew him from BOTL and FB, I did meet him in person at the first Hillbilly Herf and walked away with a tremendous amount of love and respect. He was a generous soul who was never afraid to speak the truth and he will truly be missed. So Sorry for your loss Eddie.