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Bitching and Binging

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Sep 19, 2006
The South
I'm gonna suck it up and be a sport about it, but just thought I'd share a little anecdote with everyone. Not for the squeamish, but I'll take any excuse to go on a Habanos binge...

In December, I had to have my wisdom teeth removed - no big deal. The problem is that when they took a new set of X-rays, they noticed that one of my bottom front teeth (#25 for the dental pros) had "lost mass" due to "trauma". I imagine that the trauma consisted of (a.) a well - deserved percussive response to something I said in my "younger" days or (b.) a beer bottle that happened to meet my lips and someone else's elbow at the same time. At any rate, it didn't look good and something had to be done about it.

Well, I was in Phoenix all of last week and happened to inadvertently "do" something about it over the first day's lunch with a coworker. A little chunk of crusty bread was all it took - it broke. My tooth. The whole f'ing tooth. It remained anchored to my head by a little gum and it's own sheer will. I went through the remainder of the week eating almost nothing and obsessed with the possibility of the tooth entirely departing from my mouth leaving me looking like I was from, well, Georgia (I swear to god RX if you make any GA jokes...)

Today I went to see a dental surgeon and I need an implant, accompanied by a bone and possibly skin graft. Holy shit. The economics of the situation seem to be in alignment with the perceived severity - we're talking about $4k + in work to be done. I'm not going to bitch about the money here, but I will be a big puss and whine about the rest of it.

The worst part? I don't know if I'm going to be able to smoke for a while. The silver lining? I'm going to pack them in for the next week before I start this BS. I am going to do my best to OD on Habanos by god. Here's my hit list:

PSP #2 (at least 2)
PSD #4 (at least 3)
Siglo II (at least 3)
Silgo VI (at least 2)
My last RASS
Monte #2 (at least 2)
Assorted VR's from 98 - 2001 (thank you you know who you are)
At least two EL's - Monte D 05 and undecided on the others

If I make it through that list, I'll be adding to it. I will also be surviving the habit through the brothers here for the 6- 8 weeks that this procedure will take, so thanks in advance (as always) for the great conversation, guys.

Complaining done.


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good luck, don't forget to wear your best overalls to the operation :stretchgr

juust kidding
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Jan 9, 2006
I guess not one of your 2 front teeth cause from GA you could have fit right in with the rest of the hick crew down there and just let it be as is.

Seriously though, best of luck Aaron. Enjoy the smoking while you can.

(BTW I had a broken tooth toward the back, a molar I believe. Now is a gold crown, not bad for a headbanger white boy)


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
not fun! i certainly hope it works out for you in a timely matter. i can not even imagine....

as for georgia, i'll clown ya for a bit! but i'll wait until you can enjoy it,,, never kick a brother when he's down!

i do like your list! here's to getting thru it!



Beware the penguins...
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Jan 14, 2007
Good luck man. After I broke my femur and had a pulmonary embolism in September, they told me 6-8 weeks without smoking.

I think I lasted 5, if that.
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Sep 19, 2006
The South
You have dental insurance???
Yes but implants aren't covered to any significant extent by most policies (including mine) for various reasons. I think it has something to do with bridges, etc. being the most cost effective option in many cases, but as a bridge isn't really going to work here, I am still trying to work through my insurance carrier to get some relief. The outlook is pretty grim, though.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
Dude! Tooth implants are NO FUN! I had to get one about a year or two ago. Anyway, I feel your pain...
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Sep 19, 2006
The South
I changed my avatar to show you how much I care about toothless Georgian jokes. Screw you guys :toothlessgeorgiansmiley:


June '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
well I dont have your email.. but the company i am working for has a cheap prepaid dental policy with no waiting periods or calender year maxes


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your next door neighbor state is much worse. I honestly don't think of Georgia that way. Alabama has that honor in my book...