You miss the point entirely cupcake. There are certain things that just don't scrub away. I'm not a dirty person and I don't think that any of the guys on this board are either. I don't care for anyone, especially someone new, to come in here and talk down to any of this great group of guys that has done so much for each other. Before you come in here and start acting all high, mighty, and better than everyone, take some time to read up on what this forum is about. Brotherhood. Being there for one another. Educating each other about the thing that has brought us all here. Not tearing people down and belittling them because we like to hide behind a keyboard and think that we are better than them. You may come from a background of class and privilege that few have the opportunity to enjoy, but that doesn't make you better than anyone else or give you the right to act superior to anyone. Don't act like your shit doesn't stink.