It's good to see another Operator getting carried, what kind of holster are you rocking? I had a heck of a time finding anything that would work at first but a few awesome companies pulled through for me.You pick. For the most part, it's. My TRP Operator (bottom right) or my Kimber Raptor (upper left), buts it's usually one of these. View attachment 97219
Yeah, that was very difficult. I mainly use holsters made by DM Bullard but they do not have a full rail mold, so I have to use one of their belt slide holsters or I use a holster made by Garrett Industries. Theirs is a kydex holster but it is lined in leather. I like it because I can change the cant on it easily. As soon as I can find someone with a 3D printer, I will have them make a model of the TRP and get one made by DM Bullard. I could send them my gun, but it's a pain in the rear paperwork wise.It's good to see another Operator getting carried, what kind of holster are you rocking? I had a heck of a time finding anything that would work at first but a few awesome companies pulled through for me.
I just unfriended you on fb for such a corny picture. #shameIt's usually my Kimber or if I'm lazy a Glock 42.