I never said it was OK or made excuses for it, but this is a community first and foremost...BROTHERS of the Leaf. The kind of thing in which someone means more than a dollar sign. OLH is a flipping site, it exists as a buy/sell page. Thats the mission, not brotherhood. Facebook sales pages, same deal, they dont exist to encourage community and participation. John sells to people he talks to in chat and profits off people he would probably consider friends. Thats far outside the realm of something I would ever consider doing. Does it make it right to flip an in demand product for a modest margin to an individual I've never met? No, but the morality there is much more debatable and gray area to sell on a sales page to folks who are clamoring for what I've got as opposed to profiting off folks who are supposedly a "brother."It's OK to take advantage of one internet demographic but not another? (John, I'm not saying this makes it right) Pretty sure a lot of us are on those other places where you're a dirty flipper. BTW, you gonna try and flip the lcbf?
LCBF? Please....I don't flip NCs bro.