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Today's Smoke (2004-2022 Archive)

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Aug 19, 2017
Mars, PA
Cohiba Maduro paired with a couple fingers of Hennessy VS. So, I hardly ever drink Cognac, as I'm a Scotch and Bourbon kinda guy. And when I do have a little Cognac it's typically Remi Martin VSOP, but this was lying around my liquir cabinet so... That being said I must say I am pleasantly surprised how well this is pairing with this Cohiba Maduro. Then again this cigar is so good I imagine I could pair it with jet fuel and it'd taste good. Nevertheless, its always nice to try new and different things. Especially when it works out for the better.

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Aug 1, 2017
Well it Cigar time and I am smoking the last trade stick from B.O.T.L. Member @Fusion555, he calls the blend Fusion - Number 12, I would call it a skinny short Churchill size. Outward appearence says home rolled, but it how Cigar smoke not they look IMHO that is most important. After cutting it drew good, so no [i[]C.P.R.[/i] was required.:cigar:

After firing it up, it burn nice & even with semitrical ash formation. I am trying to find the proper words to discribe the flavor profile, that keep changing. Lot of earthy spices, and what I would call nutty.:cigar:

Honestly we have a lot of home roller as B.O.T.L. Members I would encourage everyone to try & trade, buy, some of these home rolled stick. I hav e smoke a couple that are just out of this world great.(y)

Support you local home roller. :happy:

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Aug 1, 2017
Well I decided to try another El Galan - Dona Nieves - Box Pressed had 10 I think this is the last one. Well not be buying any more of this particular blend, color them inconsistent. Yes I will finish it off as it is a Cigar, I am frugal dislike traching any handmade Cigars.

Have been very disappointing, but they were a bargain, so I gave them a try. The high end El Galan - Maduros that I still have a box of are wonderful. That one I would recommend without any reservations.


image.jpeg Book in background is by, Johathan T. Gillian, Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness, and Attack Survival good read if you are concerned about personal safety. :wideyed:
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