Make sure to shop around for home insurance. Don’t let your realtor do it for you. The best rate they’ll find is probably a friend of theirs. Get online and get your own quotes.Thanks guys!!
Definitely is a great feeling, I’m not prepared to be broke forever
So happy I’m gonna have a legit backyard and be able to smoke my cigars any time I want
@VeLoRoK set a dangerous precedent... Perhaps we should not take any chances and send the housewarming gifts now.Now all we need to do is get a hold of your new address come June 4th
Go away, I’m celebrating over here!!@VeLoRoK set a dangerous precedent... Perhaps we should not take any chances and send the housewarming gifts now.
Thanks man and yeah we’re moving to Waldwick - further north in Bergen County from where we’re at now in LyndhurstCongratulations @nc_6789! All the best with the new place! Where are you getting the new spot? You still staying in Jersey?