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Feb 16, 2007
Rockville, MD
so i was referred to this section by kirscovitch who suggested that that I give a short intro here after my post on my first fuente. so here goes nothing.
I'm a 20 year old Business Marketing and Economics major at the University of Maryland, I'm a pretty eccentric guy with a wide variety of interests. I like to learn as much as I can about everything I can find, and I've pretty much tried/wanted to try every hobby out there.
I love music, singing and playing the guitar and bass. umm...i'm sitting in my business law class right now, I don't really know what else to add.
I love travelling...I guess that might prove useful for the purposes of this hobby.
Yeah, so I got into cigars kind of on accident. I bought a humidor from deal of the day website and I didn't have any cigars. I had only smoked maybe one or two phillies and one or two black and milds in my life and was not a big fan. However, I was intrigued by the possibilities. Actually I just remembered I had smoked cigars before, two years ago, in the Dominican Republic where I got some decent cigars for $5 each and smoked most of them there, but I really had no idea what I was doing. I brought some back, but they got totally dried out and when I smoked one it sucked so I threw them out. I have no idea what kind of cigars they were. So anyways, I looked up cigars online and bought a bundle of roly #2 and there I sat until yesterday morning. Yesterday, I craved something a little nicer and went out my B&M and asked for a recommendation. I was handed a fuente, still don't know which kind, I gotta go back and find out, and my life has been forever changed. So until I get my hands on some more fuentes, I'm waiting on some Puros Indios and some Punch Rothschilds. The slippery slope looms large in front of me.
I'm hoping to treat myself to something extra nice for my birthday, but being in May, I don't know if I can wait that long.
Well, I guess that's a long enough post for now. I look forward to a long and twisted road ahead.