Definitely check credit unions out. Some of the rates are MUCH lower than traditional banks and usually the requirements to joining are not very strict. Look at the different rate packages and see what works best for your 15 year vs 30 year, VA (if available) FHA options, ARM vs traditional rate - explore and weigh the options, if monthly budget is tight you may want to go 30 year, if your worried about the interest rate changing then look at rate locks.
Some simple Tips:
General Tip: buyer has a lot of power in the transaction, as long as your financial profile is fine - you can control a lot of the process and if you find something wrong with the house don't just close it up and run, A LOT of times the sellers will get something professionally fixed (or give you a credit for an estimate) to ensure the house is closed on.
If your house has a sump pump/basement - make sure during the inspection it gets tested. Ask the seller if they have ever had water issues.
Ask the age of the water heater, furnace, roof.
If there were any upgrades/renovations ask if they were professionally done or if the homeowner did them. (if the owner did them make sure the inspector checks it out)
Try and be there and attentive during the inspection, ask questions, it's a really a key to buying a good house.
Closing is stressful. Be prepared to read through a whirlwind of paperwork, ask your broker to send as many documents in advance so you know what you're getting yourself into. The title/closing company will walk you through it all during closing, but it's nice to get a preview prior to sitting down and signing everything.
Good luck and take the whole process in stride and be patient. Nothing like that feeling after closing of stepping in YOUR house the first time - just an amazing experience.
PS I can also attest that selling a house is MUCH more stressful and a pain in the ass.