1. Using my phone to magnify a menu in a restaurant.
2. Listening to my wife constantly complain about me asking her to repeat something.
3. Taking my family through the Marine Corps museum in Quantico and while looking at the displays which are in order by era, reading “my era” now has 2 or 3 eras after it.
4. Having a teenager laugh at your flip phone while your in line at the coffee shop. Jokes on him, I have a refurbished IPhone 6 now. Who’s the baller now?
5. Taking your son out to get drunk on his 21st bday while your wife DD’s and lecturing his frat buddies about how in my day, studying came before inverted keg hits. On a better note, when we dropped him off at the dorm, he gets out of the car and fell flat on his face. Just drove off like a boss. Keep tryin young blood, you’ll get there.
6. Is it just me or do to many B&M’s keep the walk in humidor to dark? I know they are trying to look chic but for God’s sake, it’s like trying to find a cigar by candlelight in an abandoned gold mine.