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<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Yup BigDawg is still around , lurking and keeping an eye on this Place, given me a few smiles , ( Those smiles were more than needed)

Some of U at the HBH knew that I was going in for Hip Replacement in early June , So after HBH, I slowed down n stop drinking and smoking cigars (at the request of the Doc until I was released ), So ON June 4th I started my adventure, I went under the knife to replace a Older Hip Replacement i had had done in the early 90's , the Doc and his team when to work replacing the Ball and Socket and doing some Bone grafting, The Operation had a few issues and did go a few hours longer than normal, But all was good , I was in the Hospital for a few days an was looking forward to getting home and start my recovery, So on June 7th was released home and was a happy camper.......

Afternoon of June 7th was seen by a Home Heath Nurse and PT, we went over all the does and don't, learning how to walk, get dressed, all that fun stuff and I was doing great and felt strong .....1st night at home ,God I was doing great , decided to do a lil walk in the house (still using a walker), went into bathroom to practice getting off and on the commode ( I was 25% weight bearing and pretty stiff legged).........

That is when the fun began , while rising up into / onto the walker my new hip went flat to the floor and dislocated out the back side , it was all I could do to keep from passing out, ( Never have I felt any pain Like this and looking down seeing that the hip was out of place ) Fighting to keep it together so Momma could get me back to the bed....... Yup 911 was called and the Fire Department, at the Hospital they doped me up good and tried to get the hip relocated back in, But NO she wouldn't go.........

Now more X-rays , CT Scans putting me in all these position that hurt like a Bitch, Thank GOD I was done, (or so I thought) and into traction I went for the next three days (Had to wait for another Team of Doctors) to look this thing over and now figure out how to rebuild and replace all these parts.

A New Plan was put in place and on the 13th Operation was done and all good, Lots of Bone graph, all kinds of Hi Tech parts, Had to stay in hospital 4 more nights, dealing with PT, and all that stuff , THANK GOD I got to come home on the 18th and things r almost back, I'm Non weight baring for 6 weeks , in a Brace when i'm not in bed, using a walker again and moving around the house one step at a time , Have a Home Health Nurse and PT come to the house every other day , DAMN ITS GOOD TO BE HOME ! Still not smoking or Drinking until released from Doc , But I'd be lying if said I wasn't thinking about one ........


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Sorry to hear about all the complications, Brad. Hope you heal up fast this time around with no more mishaps!

I am in week 2 of at least 6-8 weeks of no weight bearing after breaking my fibula and ankle playing hockey on May 30 (surgery was June 5) . I feel your pain, figuratively and literally. Get better soon!


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Hey Brad, sorry to hear about the complications, but glad your on the mend, and there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

I'll squeeze an extra lime for you... ;)

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Jan 5, 2018
New Jersey
Yup BigDawg is still around , lurking and keeping an eye on this Place, given me a few smiles , ( Those smiles were more than needed)

Some of U at the HBH knew that I was going in for Hip Replacement in early June , So after HBH, I slowed down n stop drinking and smoking cigars (at the request of the Doc until I was released ), So ON June 4th I started my adventure, I went under the knife to replace a Older Hip Replacement i had had done in the early 90's , the Doc and his team when to work replacing the Ball and Socket and doing some Bone grafting, The Operation had a few issues and did go a few hours longer than normal, But all was good , I was in the Hospital for a few days an was looking forward to getting home and start my recovery, So on June 7th was released home and was a happy camper.......

Afternoon of June 7th was seen by a Home Heath Nurse and PT, we went over all the does and don't, learning how to walk, get dressed, all that fun stuff and I was doing great and felt strong .....1st night at home ,God I was doing great , decided to do a lil walk in the house (still using a walker), went into bathroom to practice getting off and on the commode ( I was 25% weight bearing and pretty stiff legged).........

That is when the fun began , while rising up into / onto the walker my new hip went flat to the floor and dislocated out the back side , it was all I could do to keep from passing out, ( Never have I felt any pain Like this and looking down seeing that the hip was out of place ) Fighting to keep it together so Momma could get me back to the bed....... Yup 911 was called and the Fire Department, at the Hospital they doped me up good and tried to get the hip relocated back in, But NO she wouldn't go.........

Now more X-rays , CT Scans putting me in all these position that hurt like a Bitch, Thank GOD I was done, (or so I thought) and into traction I went for the next three days (Had to wait for another Team of Doctors) to look this thing over and now figure out how to rebuild and replace all these parts.

A New Plan was put in place and on the 13th Operation was done and all good, Lots of Bone graph, all kinds of Hi Tech parts, Had to stay in hospital 4 more nights, dealing with PT, and all that stuff , THANK GOD I got to come home on the 18th and things r almost back, I'm Non weight baring for 6 weeks , in a Brace when i'm not in bed, using a walker again and moving around the house one step at a time , Have a Home Health Nurse and PT come to the house every other day , DAMN ITS GOOD TO BE HOME ! Still not smoking or Drinking until released from Doc , But I'd be lying if said I wasn't thinking about one ........
Good luck with the recovery brother. If you need anything at all feel free to ask, I have a lot of resources for hip replacements. Have a bunch of patients right now recovering from total hip replacements on one or both sides so like I said please feel free to get in touch with me if you need anything at all. Feel better brother!


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Sep 29, 2014
Mooresville, IN
Damn Brad.......that sounds awful, glad to hear that it's getting better for you, I can't relate to the pain you were feeling. Get well soon my friend.
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Dec 31, 2013
Hughesville, MD. USA
Speedy recovery, brother!!!
Little highjack here;;
My wife had knee replacement surgery on her left knee about 10/ 11 years ago. She was recovering great till one day she walked into the Pentagon and slipped on a wet floor breaking it loose. Well, 3 more total replacements on left and 1 on the right she's still recovering from. She can't leave the house if it's any snow/ ice because if she falls and breaks the left knee again there is not enough bone left to attach the joint to so amputation would be next. I guess moving to Montana is out of the question.......
Don't let ANYONE tell you jogging is good for you. She jogged every day and the surgeon said she was by far the youngest patient he's seen.
Highjack off.

Good luck, brother and good juju to you.