Not a bitch or a whine so much as just putting my personal observations as an angry nice guy... I generally try to be a good person, do unto others blah blah blah... Anger has been a lifetime struggle for me... And ive learned to control it, for the most part. The problem is, i feel like people are unresponsive to a soft spoken person. In the interest of not losing my job and wife, I've become probably overly meek.. I feel like If you approach issues in a calm and reasonable manner, people tend to overlook the words being spoken. When i was loud, and didn't make an effort to not blow my top, people may have thought i was going to be the next "mailman gone postal" but i felt like my opinions, concerns, etc were heard and taken into consideration. Cigars and pipes have helped me find a Zen like new me. Problem is, i feel like nobody listens to me now, with the exception of my wife, who obviously appreciates the calmer Dran. Despite what people said, i dont think anyone was ever really afraid of me, but i did feel like people at least listened when i spoke. As a side note, I've never been arrested and havent been in a fight since i was in the army... And lets face it, That's kinda a given. Not looking for input so much as creating a space for other people who struggle with anger, but feel free to pit your 2 cents in!