Rolled this a couple weeks ago, before I started banding/labeling. I believe filler is half LO Nic Viso and half Sumatra Seco, binder and wrapper Sumatra. Not really sure about the recipe, but I know I did a bunch of them like that. Very nice, a bit spicy at the end. This little fella made the whitest ash I have seen in a long time. Roll was slightly tight but I never had to relight and never had to burn off a hangnail. Very good smoke, long lasting. The last inch did start drawing with difficulty and I didn't take it down to a half inch nub like I had been doing, smoking hobo style with a toothpick. Mrs. Monster paired this with a nice Old Fashioned, made with a triple shot of Old Overholt Rye and half Angostura, half Orange bitters, muddled with half tsp Demarara on a 1/8 Orange wedge, with a final addition of a splash of Topo Chico and the obligatory cherry. Rich, fragrant, and sweet, perfect with a stogie.
I think I actually lit the wrong end. Still smoked nice and held together well, because I reinforced both ends with a panuelo. However if you look carefully, the reinforcement is a half inch longer on the end that I ended up lighting. Sometimes a pic shows things that are not immediately apparent to the eye.