Very warm welcome....I sincerely thank you all.
A little about myself......
My name is Dale, I'm 40 years old and married to a wonderful woman named Lisa...(aka: CigarWench on a couple of the other BB's). I'm ex-Navy. I live in my childhood home in Hephzibah, Georgia.....Just South of Augusta.....and will never leave GA again. I've lived all over and there ain't no place like home.
I'm a Mgr. for a beverage distribution warehouse. Miller, Coors, Guiness, Smirnoff, Seagram's, Red Bull, Royal Crown, Sunkist, Welch's, A & W, and 7-Up are a few of the products we carry.
I have been smoking cigars since I was 18 and my daughter was born. I've been really into cigars since about 1995. 3 desktops and a 150 qt cooler later................well, you get the picture.
I'm been on a few of the BB's....La Luna, MBCL's, Cigar Weekly, Cigar Family.....and enjoy them all. I'm hoping that I can yet again find a "home away from home" place that I can both learn from and contribute to while I'm here, all the while making new friends and continuing old friendships as well.
I have always had a "my humidor is always open" policy with anyone and everyone. Also, my home here in Georgia is always ready for a herf, with a little notice. Free food, beer, open humidors, and a lifelong friendship are there for the the event anyone in interested.
Ok....I've ranted on enough now.