I followed up with a La Flor Dominica custom blend. I got it from a brother here who belongs to a Club Puros, a cigar club in his area. They commisioned Lito Gomez to blend and roll a cigar just for them. It has the red band, with an extra tband that says Club Puros on it. I noticed the foot and recieved a beating and decided to smoke it before it got worse. Now mind you I am not a huge LFD fan and only for the reason that they are too strong for me normally. I was told this would be a lighter stick, and it was. It's a torpedo the size of your standard #2. The draw was great, nut the first half lacked in smoke. Pl4enty of flavor, but no smoke. Then I realized there was a leak in the wrapper that was causing by troubles. I nursed it passed the leak and BOOM this thing hit me like Chuck Lidel. Volumes of smoke and immeadiate nicotine overload. I smoked maybe 10 draws from that point and had to set it down. My belly was upside down and my head was spinning. I have to hand it to Lito he puts together some great flavors, but damn they are stong.