Today my 20 year old daughter calls me at work crying. She begins by telling me that she just returned from the Vet where she had to have her pet "Tony Lucas" put down. Tony is a Guinea pig! The diagnosis was cancer and the cost was $175 :crosseyed. I don't want to sound insensitive but she only had the thing for 4 months and I doubt it cost more than 20 bucks, and cancer? WTF, what did she buy a PETA rescued rodent from a research lab or something?
I consoled her, told her to please stop buying disposable pets and if she really feels the need to have another one to make it something a bit more lasting like a tortoise.
I consoled her, told her to please stop buying disposable pets and if she really feels the need to have another one to make it something a bit more lasting like a tortoise.