I checked the sight and stock is really depleted, as was said earlier. Looks like you could get 2 5ers of Cojonu 2003 delivered for around $80 with the coupon. That's a deal!
Crazy good deals over there, but limited selection. I almost grabbed the Sir Winstons but decided I would wait and see if they through some more stuff up in the next couple of days. If anyone decides to grabe the SWs at 175 pm me.
Yeah, with a sale like that, they are probably just trying to empty out their inventory. Once the stuff is gone, I'm going to assume the sale will end. So get em' while you still can!
It's time for the IPCPR trade show and that means lots of new and exciting cigars. The only problem is I need to make room for them.
So I guess there's only one thing to do-have a Blowout Sale!!
Starting right now and going through Sunday all boxes are 20% off, Nubs are 35% off, and CAOs, Cheroots, El Cobres and all Don Pepins are 25% off.
So come on in and let's blow these suckers out!! This may be the best
sale we've ever had, so don't miss out.
Hal Rubin, The Sultan of Sales
This is the shop I used to be the manager at and that uncelnino (Dave) works at and the one that Eddie (Whitelightening) and Christine visited last weekend. He asked me to offer these special's to any B.O.T.L.'ers that might also be interested in picking up some good deals!