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Oil tar balls seen in Key West

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Jan 26, 2010
Y'all should of seen some of the oil tar balls floating around in the air coming off my Padilla 1932 original release. That was a natural hazard to the guys wearing white shirts next to me.
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Feb 2, 2009
Naples, Florida
Completely plausible. The Gulf Loop Current flows east toward Florida then south along the west coast of Florida. It then flows east throught the Florida Straights and eventually becomes the Gulf Stream heading north along the Florida east coast. Given the amount of oil that has been dumped intot he gulf you can take the story at it's word. My guess is that it won't be too long before we hear for oil as far north as Jacksonville beach on the Florida east coast. At that point the gulf stream gets farther away from land.

Sorry for thread-jacking your post back to the original question.
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Oct 31, 2009
Completely plausible. The Gulf Loop Current flows east toward Florida then south along the west coast of Florida. It then flows east throught the Florida Straights and eventually becomes the Gulf Stream heading north along the Florida east coast. Given the amount of oil that has been dumped intot he gulf you can take the story at it's word. My guess is that it won't be too long before we hear for oil as far north as Jacksonville beach on the Florida east coast. At that point the gulf stream gets farther away from land.

Sorry for thread-jacking your post back to the original question.
......then in short Florida is screwed.
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Oct 31, 2009
Liberal lame stream conspiracy?
.....[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU0WR-IJKmg"]YouTube- Official flomax relief tv advert - Peeman ad - Funny peeman advert[/nomedia]......you mean this??:stretchgr
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Feb 23, 2009
Yep all Obamas fault asshole
Don't worry bub, I'm on your team.

starz said:
Well the timing of the rig explosion leaves one to ponder...

At least that is what some of the hard core conspiracy theorists are saying...
You're right, it does make me wonder how someone could believe something so completely absurd.



BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
sorry boys...

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. Coast Guard said Wednesday that tar balls found in Key West, Fla. in recent days don't match the chemical composition of oil leaking from the site of the sunken Deepwater Horizon rig in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. A sampling of tar balls discovered on beaches at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park, Fla., Smathers Beach in Key West, Big Pine Key, Fla., and Loggerhead Key in the Dry Tortugas National Park, Fla. were flown on Tuesday by a Coast Guard jet to New London, Conn. for testing and analysis. "The results of those tests conclusively show that the tar balls collected from Florida Keys beaches do not match the type of oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico," the Coast Guard said. "The source of the tar balls remains unknown at this time."
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Sep 29, 2009
New York
Well the timing of the rig explosion leaves one to ponder...:scratchhe

At least that is what some of the hard core conspiracy theorists are saying...
There's too many eyes on Obama right now for him to get involved in something like this.

If you ask me I think it was a joint operation between Al Gore and the North Koreans.

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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I think it was a oil rig explosion that because of the rigs being pushed further and further away from the US making the drilling not exactly the safest operation. Then a shitty accident happened and the rig collapsed. Now because drilling is pushed into the middle of the Gulf where the water is 5000' and deeper there are problems.

Everyone making comments on BP need to realize that while drilling is a fairly straight forward process, operating anything at that depth besides solid material is extremely difficult. It's inaccessible by divers due to the depth, and you can only do so much with robotic equipment (trust me I know I worked extensively with the types of arms they're using). It's not like they can cut the pipe and throw a new bulk head on the pipe!

BP has as much blame to share as the rig owner and the US govt. Last I checked the govt agency responsible for spills (I assume FEMA but am probably wrong) was supposed to have an inventory of fire booms. It was in the procedures they wrote in the 90s. Now why in the hell didn't they have the booms? To further that question who is the entity that inspects their emergency preparedness? Why was it never identified until the shit hit the fan? I worked in emergency services the whole time I was in the military. We were responsible for chemical, nuclear, biological, radioactive and high-explosive (CBRNE) responses and were inspected to make sure we had what we were supposed to have. Why was the federal agency responsible not inspected and if they were why was nothing fixed or mentioned?
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Sep 29, 2009
New York
BP has as much blame to share as the rig owner and the US govt. Last I checked the govt agency responsible for spills (I assume FEMA but am probably wrong) was supposed to have an inventory of fire booms. It was in the procedures they wrote in the 90s. Now why in the hell didn't they have the booms? To further that question who is the entity that inspects their emergency preparedness? Why was it never identified until the shit hit the fan? I worked in emergency services the whole time I was in the military. We were responsible for chemical, nuclear, biological, radioactive and high-explosive (CBRNE) responses and were inspected to make sure we had what we were supposed to have. Why was the federal agency responsible not inspected and if they were why was nothing fixed or mentioned?
I agree 100%, though I must say I'm a little surprised to see you arguing for government regulation. When I say "regulation" around here i"m used to you guys responding with "OMGWTFBBQ!!! SOCIALIST!!!"




BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
the problem isn't always regulation. it's GOVERNMENT regulation. case in point. this rig had been cited by the bush admin for problems. but the obama admin had passed it with flying colors.
the deal is, even with regulations, someone is going to say "we don't have enough money to inspect". what do you bet????