Where do I begin???
--People who think it's okay to bring their dogs into stores and everywhere else they go.
--People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking spots (bring em back or use the corale lazy ass)
--Like others, parents who think their kid does no wrong
--People who buy SUV's and don't learn how to drive or park them
--People who use their cell phone while at the counter ordering or paying for something
--Douchebag gym rats that wear their weight belt everywhere they go. You don't look tough, you look like an asshole.
--The dumbasses at the electronic cig. booth in the malls that think they know more about cigars than I do
--Kids that can't count change back without the use of a calculator
--Poseurs who have their pants pulled half way down their ass and do the "crip walk" thinking their a badass.
--Anytime two words are jammed together (Benifer, TomKat, Chilaxin', etc.) by the media becaues they think it makes them sound hip and cool.
--Having to press "1" for English
--Kids being in the lounge area of the Port Jeff Ferry (fellow LI'ers will know what I mean)
--Parents who buy their kids smartphones. THEY'RE 10...THEY'RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT YET!
--The NY Rangers
--Shitheads that put $4,000 rims on their $300 car
--Drivers that don't understand how a lane merge is supposed to work. It's like a zipper, a car from one lane goes, then the other. But there's always that one douchbag that thinks the 1 car length is going to make a big difference.
--Dumbass drivers that wait until the last possible moment to cut through 2 lanes of traffic to make their exit. I like to block said dumbass (I watch NASCAR and know how to block you) so he or she misses the exit and has to go to the next one and turn around. This is especialy fun on the Jersey Turnpike where it can be 7 miles between exits and they have to pay the tolls again.
--Dickwads that use the EZPASS lane but don't have the pass. I don't know how these people miss the big purple signs that say "EZ PASS ONLY". Then I have to wait for a cop to come over, take their money, bring it to a booth that has a worker in it, bring them their change and have the bar manualy raised.
I could go on and on but then I'd soundy grumpy!