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Arturo Fuente Between The Lines


BoM August '07
Rating - 100%
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Dec 16, 2004
Sterling, CO
Here is another one of our reviews for 2 Guys 1 Stick: The Fuente Between The Lines. I have never enjoyed this cigar, and we decided to smoke this one to see if anything had changed for the better:


Arturo Fuente is probably the most well-known and respected cigar brand within the industry. I have never had a bad draw or burn from one, and flavors are always consistent. Today we are reviewing one of their harder-to-find cigars: the Between The Lines. These cigars are the most famous of the dos capas, or barber pole, variety. Due to their rarity and demand, the Between The Lines can fetch anywhere from $15 to $25. The cigars we are lighting up today have been resting in the humidor for a couple years. We also coincidentally picked a regular wrap and a reverse wrap to smoke – the spirals go in opposite directions.

Pre-light: These cigars smelled like sweet, wet grass. They were reminiscent of a fresh, dew-covered lawn in the morning.

First Third: After the figurado tip opens up and we can get a good taste, the first thing we are hit with is a nasty, harsh metallic flavor. It was incredibly similar to licking an exploded battery (don’t ask us how we know). Ben compares it to making a lye tea, which is probably the same thing as the straight alkaline I am getting. Needless to say, this is not the most impressive cigar right now! Toward the end of this third, Ben gets lucky and some leathery flavors start showing up for him.

Second Third: In the second third, the alkaline flavors are still very prominent. Finally the leathery notes take over, and the nasty metallic flavors recede to the background. We are both thankful for this, as the first third was more or less revolting. Shortly after my leather tastes came, a new flavor showed up. The only thing I can relate this flavor to was Tap Magic, which I use for cutting fluid on the milling machine. Now I know this sounds weird, but I absolutely love the smell of this stuff! It tasted very pleasant, and was definitely unique.

Final Third: The Tap Magic continued into the final third, but the old alkaline taste comes back as well. A non-retrohale gives us the same results. Ben picks up some clove spices toward the very end. The last dozen puffs or so yield an anise taste, and Ben agrees that “it totally does taste like anus(he said it, not me).” Final smoking time was 1 hour 15 minutes.

We were both heavily disappointed with this cigar. Considering that Fuente makes two cigars in my top 10 (the Hemingway maduro and sungrown), the Between The Lines was a major letdown. We feel that this cigar is only worth $5, and for $5 we would rather buy a different cigar anyway. At current market prices, this cigar will most likely disappoint. They are almost too pretty not to buy, so if you do get one, we recommend leaving it in the humidor as it makes a fantastic conversation piece.
where to find: The only retailer we currently know of who has these in stock is Edward’s Pipe and Tobacco in Fort Collins, CO. Their phone number is (970)226-5311, and the cigars are right around $20. They can also be found on cigar forums on occasion.
expect to pay: $15-25


BoM March 08
Rating - 100%
175   0   3
Jul 25, 2007
The OC
This is one of the best cigars I have ever looked at.

But I have always been less than impressed when I smoked one. I wish I had one in the humi, because again, it is a pretty cigar. Thanks for the review Tyler


Rating - 100%
73   0   0
Jan 5, 2010
Vancouver WA
Never gotten the Metallic taste with these...but have to concur with the over priced sentiment wholeheartedly.

This cigar leaves much to be desired. Nice, honest review guys....good work!


Fire me up a
Rating - 98.7%
103   1   1
Dec 30, 2009
New England
Nice review but like a few people have said i too have been underwhelmed by these in the past. thanks for the review though!
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Jul 9, 2010
I have smoke a few of these but they were all well aged and while not a complex cigar was interesting. The price I have always felt was way out of line.
Rating - 100%
62   0   0
Oct 31, 2009
Nice review. They're mild and make for a great morning smoke. Never had the metallic taste before it's a shame they weren’t enjoyable.


Craft Beer Addict!
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78   0   0
Oct 14, 2008
Thanks for the honest review and pic's Tyler and I feel the same way about that cigar as you do my friend!
Rating - 100%
67   0   0
Feb 6, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Great honest review. I agree about the pricepoint, and I actually had one in my hand yesterday and laid it back down after remembering last years try.... Just not worth the 16 buckarooooossss. So I bought an epernay la ferme instead (old faithful)
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Sep 8, 2010
Yes overpriced at msrp but the ones I had tasted decent for a mild smoke. Would you know what year/ vintage yours were?