yet they will sell every one in a heart beat. and on the resale market, these will still get marked up. price sounds in line to me. stop bitching
I'm not usually one to bitch, particularly about a cigar I've not smoked/seen... HOWEVER.
You are talking about a box of NUb shaped cigars running you back almost a grand at MSRP. I know, it's 100ct; but still....
According to some random site that usually is wrong on these sort of things:
WMD is $8.96 and features a round head; $9.36 is the price of the MOAB, which is a Torpedo. Both ship this week from Tropical, should be in stores around the middle of the week.
And Ryan, anyone that knows me that I normally defend Viaje from the shitstorm of stupidity that every one of these threads turns into, but I don't think retailers are going to sell $1000 boxes in a second, split them up and sure... maybe by the end of next week most places are sold out, but trying to move two boxes intact isn't as easy as one thinks.