at my last job we use to get prototype products made in a similar process. It was cool that the engineers could test, and make changes without having to have mold changes done.
We had one of those at college, but I never got around to using it for my architectural models. I did use the laser cutter which was a ton of fun. I even prototyped some r/c car frames and parts with it.
A friend of mine actually used these guys to make a model for a presentation. They are pretty cool too.
I've used one a few times and have customers that do all the time. They're pretty cool and the price has dropped significantly since when they were first developed.
The plans and software are all free and open source. There's various ways to buy or have the parts made. They're trying to design it so as many of the parts as possible can themselves be printed.
Nifty project but it looks like a whole mess of time and effort at this point.