They 601 blue maduros are my favorite Smoke thus far thanks to a bombing by shuckins!!! which cigar in the pepin line should I try since they are made by pepin?
I can't give up my address I'm hurt and short on sticks I am just curious about the 601's and pepins , and thanks brother! Haven't seen you in chat rooms in a while.
I've instructed everyone not to share my address till after the holiday please guys , can't a brother ask a simple question without being crushed when Im down :disappoin
Most Pepin sticks have a distinct pepper/spice kick to them. Love it. Not trying to bash you brother just spreading a little holiday cigar cheer. :santa:
I can honestly tell you I have not had alot of Pepin's sticks however I've been bombed a few. I baught the 610 Blue myself some months back and sofar it's my fav of the Pepins I've had. If possible I would keep these in my rotation!