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A Home for the Holidays


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
So, the team at the Omni Hotel in downtown Dallas has what I think is a pretty awesome idea.. and has gotten several local businesses on board to support a very cool concept..

They want to give homeless people that legitimately want off the street a "hand up" as opposed to a "hand out" and give them a fresh start..

The first family targeted for help ended up up without a home due to a domestic violence situation (a mother and two daughters had to walk away from everything in order to escape DV).. The mom and daughters are working and going to school (good students), but the path toward getting back on their feet is a long one, and they currently have no place to call "home".. so, they are living in a shelter...

The intent is to give this family the best Christmas gift imaginable... a place to call HOME for a year..

The goal is to have 2500 people donate $12 (the equivalent of $1 a month) before Christmas day..

Kroger has committed to providing food for a year.. other companies are providing basic essentials..

The $12 donations will pay for affordable housing and other living expenses for 1 year and give this family a chance at a fresh start, get them back on their feet again, and put them in a position so that they can self sustain after that.

More info (and a link to donate) can be found at: http://www.soupmobile.org/major-events/home

Im down for $12 to make a difference in someones life (the lives of an entire family)...

Who else is in with me?

In the interest of full disclosure.. my wife works for Omni, and knows the guy that has put this all together personally.. but gets NOTHING for any support that is given from the members here.. any donation made wouldnt be linked to her in any way.. no recognition.. etc.. She just thought it was a wonderful idea, shared it with me.. I also thought it was a wonderful cause.. and now I'm sharing it with you..