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Dec 20, 2012
New Jersey
As a Yankee fan, I would love for him to be banished from the game and disgraced. As a fan, I don't understand what precedent they think they have to ban him for life - I'll be curious to see how it plays out.

Either way. when Alex first got hurt, I said he'd never play in a Yankees uniform again, and I still believe that - he might play, but never for the Yankees.

King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
I don't understand why it would be any different than what Braun got. To me, Braun lied once already and got away with it, therefore he should serve a stiffer penalty. Wouldn't this be ARod's first time, or has he lied before?



Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I don't understand why it would be any different than what Braun got. To me, Braun lied once already and got away with it, therefore he should serve a stiffer penalty. Wouldn't this be ARod's first time, or has he lied before?

A-hole (I mean A-Rod) is a repeat offender. Here's an article from 2009 for your reference. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3894847

This is after he appeared on 60 minutes in 2007 and denied that he ever did anything. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=3624192n&releaseURL=http://release.theplatform.com/content.select?pid=jua_ASkrh51y8jPHuYtupbp9GVxUIFqY&partner=newsembed&autoPlayVid=false&prevImg=http://thumbnails.cbsig.net/CBS_Production_News/581/837/60min_Arod3_1216_480x360.jpg?eref=T1

There is no place in baseball for this crap. My guess is that he will not see a lifetime ban though. MLB is just using the threat of a lifetime ban to force him into admitting that he did it AGAIN and accepting a 1 year suspension or whatever both sides can agree on. The reason that Braun got off with 65 days is that he admitted he was wrong and took his punishment like a man.
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Aug 17, 2012
I love baseball. I think it's awesome with steroids. 101 mph fast balls. 70+ homeruns. They need a roid league and a pure league
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
I love baseball. I think it's awesome with steroids. 101 mph fast balls. 70+ homeruns. They need a roid league and a pure league
I said the same thing. They need to make a steroid league for all sports. MSLB, NSFL NSHL, etc. shit they should even make a UFC league that way. It would be amazing in my opinion.
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Oct 5, 2010
Warren, MI
I don't understand the justification for a lifetime ban. There doesn't seem to be one, to me. The rumor is they want to suspend him for the rest of this year and all of next. There is zero precedent for that and when he says he'd fight it I think he should because now the MLB is just trying to make up rules as they go along all willy-nillly. This is why there is an agreement with the players association which clearly outlines punishment for a second time steroid offender. The punishment is 100 games, no more, no less. I'm sure Selig is just trying to help bail the Yankess out of a portion of this God-awful contract which is by far the worst in baseball, though the Pujols and Fielder deals are attempting to chase it down.
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Dec 20, 2012
New Jersey
I love baseball. I think it's awesome with steroids. 101 mph fast balls. 70+ homeruns. They need a roid league and a pure league
I said the same thing. They need to make a steroid league for all sports. MSLB, NSFL NSHL, etc. shit they should even make a UFC league that way. It would be amazing in my opinion.
I wouldn't really mind if they allowed steroids in sports, but at least make it known. Let's not allow some players to get away with it while others don't even try - even the playing field. And, especially in baseball, let's not give credit to the Barry Bonds' of the world for holding records when they were juiced.

My problem isn't necessarily with the steroids - its with the uneven playing field.

I don't understand the justification for a lifetime ban. There doesn't seem to be one, to me. The rumor is they want to suspend him for the rest of this year and all of next. There is zero precedent for that and when he says he'd fight it I think he should because now the MLB is just trying to make up rules as they go along all willy-nillly. This is why there is an agreement with the players association which clearly outlines punishment for a second time steroid offender. The punishment is 100 games, no more, no less. I'm sure Selig is just trying to help bail the Yankess out of a portion of this God-awful contract which is by far the worst in baseball, though the Pujols and Fielder deals are attempting to chase it down.
This is my point. Where is the precedent for even a 65 game ban - isn't it either 50 or 100? Did baseball make a deal with Braun to cut 100 back to 65 if he wouldn't make it a bigger issue? Sounds like BS.

On the other hand, is the baseball player's union finally getting the balls to step up and say, "We want an even playing field, and we're willing to weed out those who are 'cheating', and, thus, not supporting the Braun's and ARod's more?"
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Aug 17, 2012
I honestly think injured players should be able to take them for recovery. It's their livlihood. Give them the best chance and recovery then get em off the juice when theyre healed.


BoM Nov '13
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Aug 15, 2012
Indian Trail, NC
I would have taken roids too if I would have played. What's there to lose. To think it helps a good player be a great player or a boarder line minor leaguer get to the bigs. As long as the contracts are guaranteed what is there to lose. Everyone made money off of steroids.
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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I would have taken roids too if I would have played. What's there to lose. To think it helps a good player be a great player or a boarder line minor leaguer get to the bigs. As long as the contracts are guaranteed what is there to lose. Everyone made money off of steroids.
That's the thing everybody made money as long as the parks stayed packed to see the show it wasn't a big deal. With A Rod the owners gave him that money first Texas then the Yanks you can't tell me they weren't aware. The leagues have some of the best investigative arms in the world.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
I just don't get why people crucify baseball players because the game/stats are sacred, but holy hell football is riddled with guys poking needles or popping pills. It's a wonder their livers work or track marks go away. I understand the "gladiator" mentality of football. There's the guy in football who is awesome and on the bicycle (cycle aka roids). Then there's the guy in baseball who is looked down upon for doing the same thing. The sports analysts/media are ridiculous to crucify one and not the other. /endrant.


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
Let me preface this by saying I'd rather watch paint dry than any form of baseball. However, I could care less if players use steroids or not (in any sport, really). I just don't care. Does that make me crazy or what?
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Dec 20, 2012
New Jersey
I just don't get why people crucify baseball players because the game/stats are sacred, but holy hell football is riddled with guys poking needles or popping pills. It's a wonder their livers work or track marks go away. I understand the "gladiator" mentality of football. There's the guy in football who is awesome and on the bicycle (cycle aka roids). Then there's the guy in baseball who is looked down upon for doing the same thing. The sports analysts/media are ridiculous to crucify one and not the other. /endrant.
You answered your question yourself - the stats are sacred. In football, the game isn't necessarily about the stats. We don't compare Tom Brady's Pass % to Joe Namath's with the same scrutiny or reverence that we compare Barry Bonds' HR record to Babe Ruth's. That is the difference, and that is why this is an issue. Do I care if these guys pop themselves full of the juice and deal with the health consequences later? No, they get paid damn well to do it and if that's what they choose to do, so be it. But, don't tarnish the game and the history of the game - a much richer history than football - by comparing Barry Bonds to Roger Maris.

And make sure its a level playing field beyond that as well. Someone else referenced taking a minor league and steroids making him big league worthy - what about the fringe major leaguer who doesn't "cheat"? How is it fair to him that he doesn't get his chance in MLB because he chose to be clean? Either make them legal and let everyone play on the same field, or continue with the long bans.

Here is proof that roids wont always help you.
I saw that yesterday and immediately started poking fun at my Met fan buddies!


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I honestly think injured players should be able to take them for recovery. It's their livlihood. Give them the best chance and recovery then get em off the juice when theyre healed.
there are several types of steroids..

the kind normally prescribed for "healing" (cortico) are allowed.. these are predominantly used for reduction of inflamation and pain reduction.. as well as treating autoimmune diseases..

androgenic and anabolic steroids have a place in medicine.. but are not typically used to help patients overcome injury.. as much as they are used to help with illnesss (Ive know a lukemia patient to be given anabolics to help with weight and strength loss.. )... if a player sprains an ankle, breaks a rib, or pulls a hamstring.. anabolics are not what doctors prescribe to recover (or shouldnt)....