I want to thank all My BOTL's & SOTL's for their thoughts, prayers and support during the loss of our Grandson Rhory James. The emails and kind words were quite overwhelming coming in from all over the globe. We are all very grateful.
For those that hadn't heard, Rhory turned 2 on 9/30 but was not feeling very well. His Dad (our son Zac) took him to the doctor and they ran some tests. They came back thinking it was mild pneumonia and gave him antibiotics. The next day he had a higher fever and was taken back in to the hospital. More tests and a CAT scan were done and abnormalities found on the brain.
He was Lifeflighted by chopper to Sacred Heart Children's hospital in Spokane and further tests were done. He lapsed into a coma and on Saturday 10/4 was removed from life support.
We were all at the hospital. Family and friends alike. It was a heartbreaking time and still is for us all. We've spent a great deal of time with our Son after all of this.
Rhory's memorial service will be on 10/29.
My wife Suzanne and I are back in the shop this week getting caught up on everything we had to drop suddenly when we went out of town. It may be a bit yet before our son Zac comes back to the shop to help out, but we are not pushing him.
Thank you again to the cigar community for your outpouring of support and kind words.