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A Terrible Reminder To Drive Safe


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
This video "Drive Safely" hit me hard and almost brought me to tears yet it is something we should all be reminded of what can happen in a split second. With all the hussle and bussle, texting and cell phoning, being a goof or not paying attention...
This video is NOT for the faint of heart but proves a valuable lesson we and our children should learn. Please think safty first!
[YOUTUBE][ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC2SBX2nnUw"]YouTube- I have no words after watching..............[/ame][/YOUTUBE]
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Jan 24, 2010
Fort Riley, KS
Parts of that are really difficult to watch. I lost a child in 2004 because somebody was treating their car as a toy. We call them "accidents", when in reality many of these things are not accidents at all. They are unintended results of deliberate acts. Nobody weaves through traffic at high speed, sends text messages, or drives at ridiculously dangerous speeds by accident. Everybody, please.....drive your car as if your life depended on it. It does.


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May 23, 2010
Parts of that are really difficult to watch. I lost a child in 2004 because somebody was treating their car as a toy. We call them "accidents", when in reality many of these things are not accidents at all. They are unintended results of deliberate acts. Nobody weaves through traffic at high speed, sends text messages, or drives at ridiculously dangerous speeds by accident. Everybody, please.....drive your car as if your life depended on it. It does.
It's not just your life, it's the lives of those around you. It's not fair to only worry about MY life, when I control so many other destinies while on the road, at least potentially.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
I lost a child in 2004 because somebody was treating their car as a toy.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my older brother in a car accident ( he was racing another car and lost control and hit a house. Thank god noone else got hurt but it was difficult. I lost a cousin a few years later. He was drinking and traveling down a country road, lost control, rolled, and died in the fire. Both tragic and the pain of the loss will always be there. I can't imagine loosing a child or someone I love because of a stupid or selfish act. I think it is the reason this hit me hard as well. My mother actualy sent this to me to show my oldest son so he will think twice about driving safely.


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
I can't view the videos at work, but have been in a couple horrible accidents. Let's all remember that driving while tired is as bad or worse than driving drunk. should have died twice and and should have killed another in one of those accidents. all while tired, NOT drunk. If you feel your eyes closing pull over and get a nap, or your eyes may never open again.
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Feb 22, 2009
We should have a safe driving BOTL pledge. No texting, no celphone, no drinking and driving, and no driving while extremely tired.... start a thread and have all BOTL's sign it.

it is heartbreaking to see stories and videos like this.
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Jul 25, 2007
Austin, TX
I stopped at 2 minutes because this was bothering me too much. Please drive safely and carefully! Life is too short!:crytears:


Craft Beer Addict!
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Oct 14, 2008
We should have a safe driving BOTL pledge. No texting, no celphone, no drinking and driving, and no driving while extremely tired.... start a thread and have all BOTL's sign it.

it is heartbreaking to see stories and videos like this.
I think that's a most excellant idea Buzz! :thumbsup:
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Jul 17, 2010
Parts of that are really difficult to watch. I lost a child in 2004 because somebody was treating their car as a toy. We call them "accidents", when in reality many of these things are not accidents at all. They are unintended results of deliberate acts. Nobody weaves through traffic at high speed, sends text messages, or drives at ridiculously dangerous speeds by accident. Everybody, please.....drive your car as if your life depended on it. It does.
WoW........thats unimaginable! The pain associated with such a loss, God bless you and your family. They say time heals all wounds, I guess they didn't think about this when they made that statement! I know seeing this bought back painful memories, I hope all is well my friend. Needless to say you made probably in my opinion one of the truest and right on statements I have heard in my life time. - "We call them "accidents", when in reality many of these things are not accidents at all. They are unintended results of deliberate acts" Before viewing this I read a few comments, and I almost new I would have a hard time watching this, and I did. None the less this video almost instantaneous makes you view life differently, Maybe a little corny and drawn out but you should know me by now. Thanks Ciggy, this one really got to me! GREAT POST!!